Friday, January 31, 2020

Zoom news in Carr-1 & 2

The room computers in the Carr-1 & 2 conference rooms have been re-imaged. 

If you want to use the room computer and room camera for a ZOOM meeting, you will need to install and configure the application on your profile once you have logged in. 

NOTE: You must already have a ZOOM account with UVA through the Software Catalog for this process to work.
  • The instructions for the installation and configuration will be on the desktop once you sign on to the room computer and your profile is created.
  • Allow yourself 15-30 minutes to complete this process before you attempt to run or join a ZOOM meeting for the first time using the room computers.
  • You will only need to complete this process once.
  • If you would like an LSP present when you set this up, contact Mike or Linda

Now Available from Procurement: Environmentally friendly printing

Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services is pleased to announce the results of a new collaboration with our strategic office supply supplier, The Supply Room Companies, to deliver more environmentally-friendly printing options to the University at a greatly reduced price:

  • Remanufactured toner
  • Printer maintenance services
  • Ink and toner recycling

The Virginia Ink Program, (“VIP”) is an all-encompassing program, meaning that purchases of specific ink and toner cartridges from The Supply Room Companies (TSRC) have equipment services and recycling INCLUDED in the cost of the ink and toner.

By enrolling in the Supply Room’s free VIP Program, you won’t have to worry about your printer or proper disposal of your toner. Simply enroll in the free VIP Program guaranteeing that your printer will be protected and request free toner recycling boxes as part of the program.

How to Enroll:

1. Sign up for the free Virginia Ink Service Program

2. Purchase ink and toner items marked "VIP" in TSRC's UVA Marketplace catalog

3. Register for the the Cartridge Recycling Program if you're interested in promoting sustainability

If just half of University users switch to the VIP program today we anticipate a total savings of over $130k for the University this year!

For questions about the program, please contact Kristin Floyd.

Continuous Improvement: the foundation of a true transformation

When we think about Finance Strategic Transformation (FST), it can be easy to focus solely on the implementation of Workday. To be successful, this transformation has to be about people and our processes. Technology is simply a tool help us achieve our goals, and it isn’t our only one.

UVAFinance’s Continuous Improvement Committee (CIC) seeks ways to transform what we do or how we do it to be sure we are as efficient and effective as possible.  UVAFinance is no stranger to continuous improvement; several departmental and cross-functional projects have been featured here in the blog.

Here are just a few examples of the sort of process improvements that can become part of a transformation:

Ongoing improvement efforts will continue throughout FST and beyond. Watch the blog for “Continuous Improvement Bright Spot” posts or click on the “Continuous Improvement” label to find out more.

Have a continual improvement to share?  We'd love to feature it!  Email

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The World of Treasury & Risk Management at UVA

Treasury and Risk Management became a part of UVAFinance in early 2019. Between them, the two units manage the University’s debt portfolio, banking and cash management, short-term investment and liquidity management, and maintaining property, casualty, and liability risk management and insurance.

At least, that’s their function in plain terms. When examined more closely, the reality of Treasury and Risk Management’s work is more dynamic.

Julie Richardson, University Treasurer, explains her units’ activities in terms of their impact on UVA’s day to day operations.

“What we do is like running a household.  Your paycheck is your income; here, it is tuition, revenue, gifts, Commonwealth support, sales and service.  You have a mortgage, and we have a debt portfolio.  You have a retirement account, we have the endowment and long-term pool.  You need insurance for your house and car, and we need insurance for buildings, vehicles and medical practices and so much more,” she explains.
Click on the Image for a larger view

When you factor in all the complexity and size of the University, Treasury and Risk Management’s responsibilities multiply by several times. Adding to this complexity is the fact that the team doesn’t just think about UVA’s needs today, but instead, what the needs will be five, ten, or a hundred years down the road.

“We think almost to infinity,” laughs Richardson. 

A perfect example of this long-term thinking is the recent execution of three bond sales that took advantage of historically low rates and capital project financing for up to 100 years. (Read more on the UVAFinance blog here.)

Besides being long-term thinkers, Richardson sees another common thread with the Treasury and Risk Management team: the staff is made up of people who are comfortable with change and responding to that changing environment.

“It would be difficult to be a creature of habit and be on our team. When you deal in financial markets, you deal in the unknown. Markets go up and down in real time and you have to be nimble,” she says.

She elaborates by pointing out the everyday occurrences that are out of anyone’s control – occurrences like the recent chemical spill at the Battle Building, when the Risk Management team had to respond quickly to mitigate a difficult situation.

Academic pursuits like research, student education, and new programs often take time to come to fruition.  For Treasury and Risk Management both, however, their contributions frequently result in immediate feedback.

 “As soon as the price was set with the bond transactions, we knew we had raised money that was going to be helpful with the strategic plan.  When the team jumped in and handled the situation at the Battle building, there was an immediate impact made,” says Richardson.

Sometimes the difference is a big one, such as Treasury’s work with the Bicentennial Scholar program through the Strategic Investment Fund.  And sometimes it’s a small difference, like schools and departments receiving central assistance with banking needs, such remote deposit being offerred to schools and units. 

At the end of the day, whether the contribution is big or small, Richardson says that she and her staff are driven by knowing they make a difference.

“When your efforts have helped a student financially, saved a department some expenses, or coordinated strategic investment funding, you know you’ve made someone’s life better or easier.”

Learn more about Treasury & Risk Management at UVA:

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Q and A with Angela Knobloch, Finance Transformation’s Change Management Lead

Just a week into her new role with the Finance Strategic Transformation project team heading up change management, Angela Knobloch chatted with us about her new role, processing change, hiking, and reading recommendations.


What led you to pursue a role in change management?

I have a background in talent management, so the people component of the transformation was attractive to me. In the end, people will be using the tools and systems, so enabling, coaching, and partnering with people is vital to the future success of finance across UVA. Also, through my work with Organizational Excellence, I’ve had the pleasure of building relationships with many people across Grounds. I’m excited that this role offers me an opportunity to help us to continue to change and grow our culture to the point where continuous improvement is just second nature.

Change is ever-present at UVA (and most places, if we’re being honest). How do you see our colleagues reacting to Finance Transformation?

People across Grounds are speaking up about their concerns as well as previous experiences and challenges, and that willingness to speak up is valuable. It’s a tremendous opportunity for us to listen and respond. People are less concerned about the technology itself than they are about what it means for them, their role, and how they do their jobs. It’s not about what buttons they will push.

People in the different units and departments across Grounds are heads down, grinding out the work, doing what they have to do, but at the same time, it’s hard to be fully aware of the end-to-end processes and how a decision in any one area affects another area. Part of the change management challenge we have is establishing a broad perspective on how everything fits together, and make more connections for folks across Grounds.

Click the image for a larger view.

Where do we go from here?

Now we have to deliver on truly demonstrating that we value, hear, and respond to our colleague’s concerns. As we head into Phase 3, we’ll take the dialogue from the big questions into the specifics, and having conversations about what all this will mean, practically speaking – how this will look, specifically, for people in different job roles. Organizational change is only achieved through individual change. The people interacting with these processes are very much on my mind.

You said that the change is about more than just a new system. Can you elaborate more on that?

Well, when you think about the future of work, we know that increasingly, machines will do transactions. The new world of work requires my ability to think and problem solve and interact and connect and ask questions. Part of this transformation is that we’re preparing people for new ways of working – that it’s less about me “hitting the button” and more about the larger picture of who my work is for, what it is for, and how it connects to UVA’s overall mission. We want to be great and good, and part of us being good is connecting with one another and doing my work well. My vision for change management in the project is to help all areas be effective going forward. We all get to help determine what the future state is, and we can all look beyond our own areas and focus on what’s going to help UVA be successful.
Angela, her husband Brett, and their
dog Roxy, who loves hiking as much
as they do!

What advice do you have to those who are weary of change?

Don’t think of change as something to be endured. Change is about managing transitions from the old to the new – instead of thinking “I’m being forced to change,” think about it in terms of co-creating the future together. How can we best partner together to provide the best possible future for us all? Participating in the change makes it easier (and more enjoyable, honestly!). We may not all participate with the same energy or speed, but we should think in terms of navigating it together. The old way of doing things isn’t going to meet our needs as a University, going forward. Instead of thinking about what we’re losing, we can think about how we can contribute to a better future. But people can only contribute this way if they feel they’re heard, valued, and responded to, which is where this role comes in. In the end, it’s not about loving the change – it’s about having the confidence to do it, and about the change making sense, and not just making people’s lives harder. If we’ve got a good business case and we’re actively partnering with our stakeholders and listening to them, we can navigate the new world together.

Any recommended reading or listening on the topic of change?

Recently I’ve been listening to a podcast called Navigating Change, by Howard Teibel, which focuses on change in a higher education environment.  Especially episode 218, in which he emphasizes the importance of thinking in terms of possibilities instead of problems for the future and changing our focus from being problem solvers to future creators. 

Recommended reading for undergoing change:

·        Switch:  How to change things when change is hard, by Chip and Dan Heath (of course this one – it’s so good)
·        Managing Transitions:  Making the most of change, by William and Susan Bridges

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

It's W-2 time!

Welcome to tax season!  W-2s are available in Workday, and Payroll Services has associated reference info on their website: 

Don't just put out fires!


Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Free tax filing

Visit the United Way site for more info:

We're proud to support the longstanding service tradition by hosting the Tax Preparation Program here in Carruthers Hall, Carr-2. Trained Law School students help community households with incomes under $66,000/year prepare their income tax returns for free. The program begins Monday, January 27 (today) and will run through mid-April.


Mondays – Thursdays 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Saturdays – 10:30am – 12:30pm

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

T & E Card Training begins February 1

Have you visited the new Travel & Expense Website? 
All cardholders (with the exception of student cardholders and new cardholders who have received cards since November 1, 2019)  have received an email with a link to the training.  Training must be completed by February 29.