Friday, January 31, 2020

Continuous Improvement: the foundation of a true transformation

When we think about Finance Strategic Transformation (FST), it can be easy to focus solely on the implementation of Workday. To be successful, this transformation has to be about people and our processes. Technology is simply a tool help us achieve our goals, and it isn’t our only one.

UVAFinance’s Continuous Improvement Committee (CIC) seeks ways to transform what we do or how we do it to be sure we are as efficient and effective as possible.  UVAFinance is no stranger to continuous improvement; several departmental and cross-functional projects have been featured here in the blog.

Here are just a few examples of the sort of process improvements that can become part of a transformation:

Ongoing improvement efforts will continue throughout FST and beyond. Watch the blog for “Continuous Improvement Bright Spot” posts or click on the “Continuous Improvement” label to find out more.

Have a continual improvement to share?  We'd love to feature it!  Email

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