Friday, January 31, 2020

Now Available from Procurement: Environmentally friendly printing

Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services is pleased to announce the results of a new collaboration with our strategic office supply supplier, The Supply Room Companies, to deliver more environmentally-friendly printing options to the University at a greatly reduced price:

  • Remanufactured toner
  • Printer maintenance services
  • Ink and toner recycling

The Virginia Ink Program, (“VIP”) is an all-encompassing program, meaning that purchases of specific ink and toner cartridges from The Supply Room Companies (TSRC) have equipment services and recycling INCLUDED in the cost of the ink and toner.

By enrolling in the Supply Room’s free VIP Program, you won’t have to worry about your printer or proper disposal of your toner. Simply enroll in the free VIP Program guaranteeing that your printer will be protected and request free toner recycling boxes as part of the program.

How to Enroll:

1. Sign up for the free Virginia Ink Service Program

2. Purchase ink and toner items marked "VIP" in TSRC's UVA Marketplace catalog

3. Register for the the Cartridge Recycling Program if you're interested in promoting sustainability

If just half of University users switch to the VIP program today we anticipate a total savings of over $130k for the University this year!

For questions about the program, please contact Kristin Floyd.

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