Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Do you use Chrome to access the UVA Marketplace?

Google's Chrome browser released an update on February 17 that can affect how the browser handles cookies, and consequently, might affect the punchout catalogs in the UVA Marketplace.

The change will be temporary, as each supplier updates internal technology.  For more information, visit PSDS's Chrome Update and UVA Marketplace Information page.

Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services is working diligently with our suppliers to monitor the functionality of their catalogs in the UVA Marketplace with the new Chrome settings and is testing several ways for our users to have an uninterrupted shopping experience in the UVA Marketplace.
If you use the Chrome internet browser to access the UVA Marketplace, please review the instructions below.

To continue using Chrome to access UVA Marketplace punchout catalogs:

1) Review the list of suppliers with catalogs compatible with the Chrome updates.
2) If you would like to shop a punchout not compatible with the updates, you can try to open the punchout catalog in a new window.
3) If the punchout does not work, or if you cannot open the punchout in a new window, use a different browser.

To use a different browser to access UVA Marketplace punchout catalogs:

1) Review the ITS Supported Browsers for Integrated System.
2) Contact your Local Support Partner (LSP) for assistance choosing the right browser.
3) PSDS will send a notification when all punchouts are fully functional with all browsers.

Please continue to use Chrome to access the Integrated System (Oracle).

For assistance with using the UVA Marketplace with Internet Explorer or Safari, please contact Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services at (434) 924-4212 or at

For assistance with installing new internet browsers, please contact your Local Support Partner (LSP), or the ITS Help Desk at (434) 924-4357.

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