Wednesday, March 25, 2020

FST Updates

We may be working remotely, but the FST project is moving right along!
Want to hear FST updates instead of reading them?  Tune in to WFST Radio's March 26 broadcast!

If you’re reading this blog post, you deserve a high five for the way that you and your team members have rallied together to continue making things happen even in a world that changes radically daily, sometimes hourly.

Finance Strategic Transformation is also moving right along. The team and our stakeholders have adjusted to working remotely – data gathering sessions, steering meetings, and team meetings have moved online and deadlines continue to be met.

FST Team leadership and our executive sponsors are working closely together to consider how the project timeline will be impacted if we are required to work remotely for longer stretches of time. In the meantime, we’re exploring ways to engage our stakeholder groups remotely.

We’re still hiring positions that need to be filled and onboarding new team members, too. The project team is close to hiring a technical lead, and we continue to bring in new folks. One recent addition you may interact with is Anthony Pearson, a new administrative assistant over at One Morton Drive.

The FST website will be overhauled by mid-April. Changes will include a new and improved FAQ fed by questions from the field, high-level summaries and ongoing updates for each area of work, including the budget pilot and change management, a complete team directory, and resources for our stakeholders to understand all facets of the project and to be able to share easily with their teams.
While you can always find all the details in the Online Community, as well as interacting with colleagues and sharing ideas and questions there, our aim with the website is to make it an easy place to get the basics.

New on the Online Community:

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