Thursday, February 11, 2021

FST Updates


Want to listen to this update instead of reading it? Click here to tune into the WFST Broadcast!
No time to read paragraphs? Check out "Five Things to Know about WFST"

Counting down to Go-Live of Workday Financials

We’re now one year, four months, and two weeks from the go-live of Workday Financials. If you're prone to losing track of time (who isn't? What's time?), you can check in on the countdown on the FST webpage:

FDM Update

The FDM team is still working on developing a mapping tool that will get our current GA/GL strings into the new FDM, and they’re working with schools and units on mapping. They’ll be showing some of the sample mappings in governance meetings.

Get the FDM basics so far with this video (Online Community):

Governance and Decisions
The Fiscal Administrators group is a level of FST governance. If you’re invited to those meetings, you should definitely come, because the FST team shares lots of great information there – they show demos, we have discussions, and the meetings are really well attended. It's a great way to stay plugged in with the project and finance in general.

You can always see the recordings of those Zoom meetings and view the slides, too (whether you're a member of the group or not!). Take a look:

Helpful Resource: FST Overview

If you care enough to read the UVAFinance blog, you are probably a finance person or someone else with a high stake in this project. However, you likely interact with people on your team who aren’t as in touch with the project. 

 With that in mind, we put together a one-page, high-level sheet that might be helpful either as talking points or knowledge points for you or for you to share with anyone else who needs it. Look at this high-level goodness:

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