Thursday, September 9, 2021

Reporting & Analytics Focus Group Update

During this month's governance meetings, Mark Anderson shared some information on the recently formed Reporting & Analytics Focus Group. The group has met twice now to review and provide feedback on reports. 

The primary goals of the Focus Group are to collect the perspective of those who use reports on a daily basis, to review reports to make sure they meet requirements (and to find solutions if they do not meet requirements), and to understand the differences between UBI and WD functionality. 

If you'd like to be involved in the Focus Group, please send an email to However, please note that this group is intentionally small at this time as it is just a preliminary group to make sure the R&A Team is headed in the right direction. The Focus Group is not meant to be a fully-fledged testing of reports and only has a few members to be more effective, manageable, and participatory. Eventually, more people will be involved in the end-user review. 

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