Sunday, September 19, 2021

UVAFinance awarded Inclusive Excellence grants

UVAFinance was the recipient of two Inclusive Excellence Grants of $10,000 each from UVA’s Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. 

IE Grant #1: UVAFinance Training

The first was to provide matching funds for two DEI workshops offered to all UVAFinance staff during Summer 2021. The two classes were Bigger than Racism and Allies for Racial Equity, both facilitated by The Racial Equity Group. Ongoing DEI training is one of the action items in our submitted Inclusive Excellence Plan, with a goal of 100% completion. For these two classes offered this year, 85% of UVAFinance staff completed the first workshop and over 90% completed the second. Please contact Patty Marbury ( with questions about this grant.

IE Grant #2:  Supplier Diversity Workshops

The second IE grant is for training and engagement related to Supplier Diversity at UVA. The $10,000 will go toward the development and delivery of four workshops. 

First is a UVA Purchasers On-Grounds Roadshow. This workshop will tour the University to educate our 2000 purchasers about procurement/diversity topics, including:
  • Virginia’s Small, Women, and Minority-owned procurement program (SWaM) 
  • our commitment to meeting the goals of that program and how departments can help
  • purchasing guidelines
  • purchasing ethics
  • an overview of procurement services that departments can request to assist them in diversifying spend.
The second workshop will help educate suppliers on how to do business with UVA, specifically focusing on the areas of academic and construction procurement. A major element to this workshop is that it will be held off-site in partnership with community organizations such as The Center for Community Partnerships, The Minority Business Alliance, and The Jefferson Center to name a few. 

The third and fourth workshops are construction-related, they are Bonding 101 and How to Prepare a Winning Proposal. Please contact Lorie Strother ( with questions about this grant.

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