Thursday, December 16, 2021

FST Update December 16, 2021


No time?  Check out Five Things to Know about FST, or listen in at WFST Radio!

FDM Mapping

The FDM Mapping Sprint is still racing down the track to get 85% of UVA’s PTAOs mapped to the new Foundation Data Model by January.  Mappers are meeting regularly with sprint and workstream leadership and working through questions and concerns.  If you want to keep up with the FDM happenings, you can access the FDMResource page on the Community – you might be interested in the FDM Frequently Asked Questions, the archive of weekly FDM bulletins, or some of the demonstration videos we have posted there.

Read more about Mapping on the blog.

Ask Us Anything!

Don’t forget that you can submit your questions to the FDM Mapping team via our Ask Us Anything form online.  The Adaptive and Budgeting Teams are also happy to take any questions at their own Ask Us Anything link.  It's a question free for all!

Ask Us Anything FDM

Ask Us Anything Adaptive/Budget

End-to-End Testing for Workday and Adaptive 

Just like our FST teammates are working hard testing our latest Workday Financials tenant end to end, the Adaptive team will be doing the same with the budgeting software.  End to end for Workday Financials cycle 2 is wrapping up soon, just in time for Adaptive end-to-end testing to begin their own six-week testing cycle. The next step for Workday Financials testing will be Cycle three end to end testing and then User Experience Review, which will occur in early spring of 2022. 

Adaptive Update on the blog

Workday Financials Testing Update on the blog 

Looking Toward Go-Live

Madhu Iyer has joined the FST team as the project Cutover Lead. He’s going to be in charge of planning for the resources and tasks required for us to make that final move from Oracle to Workday. Iyer has cutover management experience from Arizona State and Comcast. 

Read more about Madhu Iyer.

The FST team is working on handling GL balance conversion, which is how we convert Oracle general ledger balances over to Workday and get them realigned across the FDM worktags.  Also, we’re working hard on workflow control and approvals, which is a big area of concern for folks across UVA.

Read more about Workflow Control and Approvals

Five Things to Know about FST: December 16, 2021


1.  Foundation Data Model:  Mapping the PTAO to the FDM continues as the Sprint team works with schools and units to get 85% of mapping done by the beginning of the year.  Read more on the blog.

2. Workflow Control & Approvals: Between January and March of 2022, the FST team will work directly with each school and unit to identify how best to translate Oracle roles into Workday Financial roles.  Read more and get a link to a video where Augie Maurelli talks us through it.

3.  End-to-End Testing:  both our tenant of Workday Financials and our instance of the budgeting software Adaptive Planning are getting thorough testing.  Read more about Adaptive Testing and Workday Financials Testing on the blog.

4.  Decisions, decisions.  The team and leadership are working through decisions on GL Balance conversion and intercompany transactions.  Click the links to read more!

5.  We're inching closer to go-live on July 1, 2022.  Another sign of this is the hiring of cutover lead Madhu Iyer.  Read more about Iyer on the blog.

New Zoom Backgrounds for UVAFinance and FST

This is NOT an example of the branded backgrounds,
but it's pretty funny.

If you're taking part in larger online meetings where it might be handy to have your organization, name, and title onscreen as a part of your Zoom background, check out the new branded options available in the UVAFinance brand resources. 

The files linked below contain several options for backgrounds, from simple to photographic.  Please read the Zoom Background Template guidance before choosing and using a template.   Remember that UVA's Brand Resources are a great partner to these templates, as you can choose virtually any of their beautiful UVA pictures to pair with our branded elements.

Questions or difficulties with the files?  Contact Brandi Van Ormer.

UVAFinance and FST Zoom Background Templates

Zoom Background Template Guidance

Adaptive Planning Entering End-to-End Testing Phase

This January, the Adaptive team begins a six-week testing phase on the Adaptive 3.0 tenant, the version of the budgeting software that will integrate with Workday Financials.  A team of folks from UVA schools and units will pitch in to help with the testing.

Thank you to everyone who has committed to helping us with this critical step in the last push to get Adaptive ready for go-live with Workday Financials on July 1, 2022.

Do you have questions about Adaptive, or about budgeting now or in the future?  Use our Ask Us Anything form and get some clarity!  We'd love to address your concerns, so visit us here:

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

CVC Update: Please give by December 20, 2021!


The 2021 Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign is quickly coming to a close. As we approach the end of the campaign, we want to provide you with a few updates to help us collectively finish strong.

General Updates
  • To date, UVA employees have pledged ~$500k, representing ~50% of total CVC pledges from all state agencies.
  • Over 70% of UVA funds pledged have been designated to local Charlottesville area organizations
  • Total participation across the University is about half of where it was during the 2019 campaign, but the number of different schools and units that have participants is wide ranging.

Important Deadlines
  • Payroll deduction concludes on December 20th.
  • Credit Card payments can be made through the end of the calendar year.
  • If anyone plans to give or report direct gifts in January 2022, please contact us at, so we can appropriately report the gift to count as part of the 2021 campaign.
Giving Information Reminders
  • Anyone who has given directly to a CVC charity should fill out this direct giving report.
  • For employees who need to give on the public site (those who do not have a UVA employee ID), can do so here and should select 207 – University of Virginia as their Agency.
THANK YOU AGAIN for all your efforts in making this a successful year for the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign. Let’s finish strong!

FST Decision: Intercompany Transactions

In current state, all transactions are run through Oracle whether or not the involved organization or entity is affiliated with the University. Certain issues often come up because of this policy. For example, sometimes one entity (e.g. UVAMC or UPG) doesn't have a transaction recorded on the Academic side. The Financial Reporting team then has to go in and manually reconcile information between that entity and the Academic side. Also, it can be challenging to identify all intercompany transactions in Oracle.

The Finance Strategic Transformation team wanted to see what could be done differently with inter and intracompany transactions in Workday Financials. They worked with a company called General Counsel to review proper handling of transactions with non-Agency entities. General Counsel recommended UVA maintain an "arm's length" relationship with these external entities. 

The FST team then divided entities into three categories and determined proper action taken for entities within each category: 

  • University-Affiliated Organizations: UAOs will be set up as companies in Workday for consolidated reporting purposes only. Any operational activity must be handled as an external customer/vendor. No intercompany settlement will be done at month-end. 
  • Agency: Agencies will be set up on the balance sheet only and activity will be recorded to the ledger. 
  • Non-Agency/Non-UAOs using YYs: Today, Oracle uses LO or YY-prefix projects to track balances and activities for entities that are engaged in intercompany activity with the University. In future state, these will be handled as external customers/vendors. No intercompany settlement will be done at month-end. 
You can find out more information on this decision here

FST Decision: GL Balance Conversion Approach

With Workday Financials going live in just a little over six months, people are wondering how different balances will be converted to Workday. The FST Team is completing GL Balance Conversion by following these guiding principles: 

  • Meet External Audit Requirements: The General Ledger is the source of truth--it must balance by Company and Fund. 
  • Timing: We need "correct" balances in FDM for departments and units as early as possible after the start of the fiscal year.
  • School and MBU Balances: We need to match Settlement amounts provided by FP&A within a reasonable degree of materiality.
  • Department/Unit Balances: Departments are best positioned to know what balances they are expecting in specific FDM strings.
  • Gift & Endowment Balances: Balances need to reconcile to ending Oracle balances for individual gifts/endowments.
  • Fund Balances: Balances need to reconcile in aggregate by Company
  • Assignee/Program/Activity Balances: Schools/units need the ability to capture balances down to a level lower than MBU or cost center. 
  • Complexity: Minimize rework and effort given the complexity of the task. 
With these guiding principles in mind, the FST Team looked at three potential conversion approach options:

  •  The first of these options is to convert Oracle GL Balances to Workday "as is." However, while this option would work for Central Finance, the team determined this was not the best option for schools and units because they would be responsible for any reconciliation of Cash Balances to GL Balances. 
  • The second option, converting UBI Cash Balances to Workday Fund Balances based on the UBI Cash Balance Report, was also rejected because converted Cash Balances do not agree with GL Balances from UVA's financial system of record. 
  • The third option is to convert the GL Balance "as is" at a high level, then realign balances across units' FDM worktags in Workday. This option is what the team has determined as the best option for UVA. With this option, converted GL Balances will be accurate from an external reporting and compliance perspective. 

You can read more about this decision here. For the latest information on all decisions, check out the FST Decision Log here

Getting Under the Hood: New PSDS Business Analyst Enjoys the Nuance

Zachary Jackson has joined UVAFinance’s PSDS as a Supply Chain Business Analyst. He is involved in the synthesis of procurement data to inform strategy development around supplier diversity and sustainability.

Prior to coming to UVA, he worked as an economic development specialist with the Virginia Tech Center for Economic and Community Engagement. Specifically, he worked in a consulting capacity as part of a team that partnered with public and private-sector entities to conduct applied economic research projects.

As a Hokie welcomed to Hoo territory, Jackson is already enjoying the challenge of working in a new multi-faceted environment, “I am relatively new to procurement! My notebook is full of new acronyms and terms. I understand things best in the context of systems. PSDS is a big system to chew on, but I am looking forward to getting under the hood, as it were.”

Jackson says that the open communication in UVAFinance has helped get him up to speed.

“I am very impressed by the culture of learning at UVAFinance. Everyone’s roles are so nuanced and detailed, yet people seem so forthcoming about what they do,” he observes. 

“This was something I treasured in my previous role, and I am glad to see it here.”

Jackson received his bachelor’s and master’s degree in urban planning from Virginia Tech. His studies and individual research were focused on what planners call “wicked problems,” or longstanding social and cultural issues that have no clear answer.

“More specifically, my studies were focused on economic and workforce development, particularly in post-industrial/natural resource-based communities,” he shares.

Jackson “grew up on two wheels” and likes to ride bikes (human and dinosaur-powered) in his spare time. He also enjoys spending quality time with his partner, family, and two needy dogs.

You got a problem? The Testing Team will find it!

Got a problem?
Who wants to talk about problems? No one. . .wait, scratch that! The FST testing team reports they are actually looking for problems. Have any you want to send their way? I bet we all do.

But they are looking for specific defects in the Workday Financials system. Nothing is perfect and transferring processes to a new system will produce some hiccups and the goal is to solve those issues now. The testing phase is integral so the team knows exactly what users will encounter in the system.

Now in Cycle 2, testing is pushing real-life user scenarios through multiple processes to capture any issues and then correct them. The process confirms that Workday is functioning for UVA as it was designed to and validate that data was converted correctly. The more we work out now, the smoother it all runs in July.

There are more problems to solve so it is crucial that scenarios continue to be pushed through the system to keep on track with Cycle 2 of testing. The holidays should be a take some time off so the next two weeks are important in meeting goals prior to everyone taking a much-needed break. So, let's get out there and find some problems!

Metrics and updates on the testing cycles can be found here.

Ask Us Anything!

Do you have questions about mapping the PTAO to the Foundation Data Model?  How about questions about budgeting, or budgeting in the future state?  Maybe something about the University Financial Model?   

Both the FDM Mapping Team and the Budget/ Adaptive Insights Team want to hear from you!  

Ask Us Anything using these online forms -- we promise to respond quickly!

FDM Ask Us Anything:

Budgeting/Adaptive Ask Us Anything:

Sprint to the finish: FDM Mapping continues

The FDM Mapping Sprint team is still racing down the track to get 85% of UVA’s PTAOs mapped to the new Foundation Data Model by January. Mappers are meeting regularly with sprint and workstream leadership and working through questions and concerns.

If you want to keep up with the FDM happenings, you can access the FDM Resource page on the Community. Things to check out: 

Don't forget that you can submit your questions to the FDM Mapping team via our Ask Me Anything form online.  Any question is a good question, and we promise to answer!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Reporting & Analytics Update

December is a great time to look at accomplishments made over the past year. Here's a look at what the FST Team's Reporting & Analytics workstream has accomplished this year: 

The Reporting & Analytics Team created Workday Reporting user stories to better understand reporting needs of various stakeholders. The team then divided these user stories into three separate categories: P1, P2, and P3. P1 reports are ones that the functional leads needed to do end-to-end testing, P2 reports are needed by go-live, and P3 refers to lower priority reports that can be completed after go-live. 

This year, the team developed 144 P1 reports with 116 approved by functional owners, and 49 P2 reports 13 of which were approved by functional owners. 

There was also a lot of work done on Adaptive/UFM report development. The current version, Adaptive 2.0, will provide plenty of information on possible improvements for the 3.0 build. The team is currently working on converting data into the 3.0 build, which will enable more report creation. 

Additionally, the team has entered all data into the Data Warehouse. Entering data into the Warehouse means it can be accessed in UBI as needed and can feed into other systems used by schools and units. The team has created a first pass at a data model in the QA environment. 

Finally, the R&A Focus Group has met every two weeks since the creation of the group in August. The group was formed to provide the stakeholder perspective, and to offer feedback on reports developed and evaluate their usability. According to Mark Anderson, who presented on the R&A Team's accomplishments during December governance meetings, Focus Group members have provided lots of great feedback this year.

However, not having all the information needed to generate reports has proven challenging. For example, if someone wants to see a report from their specific unit, this can't always be done because the team doesn't always have enough data. Fortunately, this issue will resolve as the project continues and more data becomes available. 

So, what's next for the R&A Team? 

While continuing the previously mentioned work, the team is also looking at post-go-live and what Reporting & Analytics support may be needed then. A small group, known as the Work Team, was created to think about the Reporting & Analytics experience as a whole. In other words, the Work Team must think about stakeholders' cross-functional needs; it's not just Finance that's involved, but also HCM, SIS, and FM. To do this, the Work Team will identify a handful of different personas across the University, what responsibilities these personas have, and how to make those responsibilities as effortless as possible. 

Keep an eye on this space for more updates coming in 2022. If you'd like more information on Reporting & Analytics, you can find it here.  

Monday, December 13, 2021

Salesforce Jedi Tip Corner: Treasury's Julie Richardson and PSDS's Anders Coe


This month, we bring you the stories of two UVAFinance departments using Salesforce and the benefits they've gained from the tool.  Read on, you will.

Jedi #1:  Julie Richardson of UVA Treasury.

Now that Treasury has been using Salesforce for several months, Richardson has enough data to start to see consistencies.  The dashboard report she receives every Monday gives her a view into the team's service numbers, their service survey results, and the comments stakeholders share.  The result of having all this data?  Better service!  For instance, the data helps her see if what is on Treasury's website is consistent with the advice stakeholders are given when they reach out, and she's able to clarify/add to the web content where necessary.  She can also identify outliers in their service scores, and reach out to stakeholders individually to help solve problems, provide extra training, or further assist. 

"As we get more data," Richardson says, "I even anticipate that we'll be able to use it to decide which areas of responsibility we may want to adjust on our team based on volume and process changes and the new functionality of Workday."

Richardson has found Salesforce to be a more valuable tool than she anticipated when they adopted the tool months ago: "I didn't initially see all the ways it would be helpful, but it's definitely given us the hard data to help us hone our service."

Jedi #2:  Anders Coe of Procurement

Coe's day is an avalanche of stakeholder questions that run the gamut of Procurement's services, from payments and invoices to transitions due to new services like PaymentWorks.  He relies on Salesforce to keep inquiries, issues, and tasks organized and in one place.  Now in his sixth month with Procurement, Coe appreciates the ease with which he's able to seek out his colleagues' expertise using the tool, while maintaining everyone's visibility into the case details and progress toward resolution.  

"With Salesforce," he notes, "emails don't cross one another, people don't drop off the thread, and I can easily get the questions to the proper team member for a correct, timely answer.  It's put us in a position to help people better."

Coe's immersion into Salesforce since he began working in UVAFinance means he's also been able to fast track his own learning since the tool gives him easy insight into purchasing, strategic sourcing, and all of the procurement functions that touch UVA customers.   

"Things can get a little wild in Procurement because of the volume we handle and all the changes happening right now," he says, adding, "Salesforce keeps us on track and providing good service."

End of 2021 PaymentWorks Update

Now that it's been a few months since PaymentWorks went live with Oracle, let's look at how the implementation of the supplier management software is progressing. 

According to the PaymentWorks Team, who gave an update at Governance meetings this month, PaymentWorks' rollout has gone as well as could be expected. A few issues have shown up, but the team feels confident they can deal with those and any other issues that come up in the future.

One issue that users are experiencing is differentiating between individual and supplier invitations. Anyone providing goods or doing any services for UVA is considered a supplier. An individual payee type is used for someone who is being reimbursed but not overtly performing a service for the University. For example, human subjects are considered individual payees. 

Another common issue involves making changes to a supplier or individual's profile. In PaymentWorks, suppliers and individuals are responsible for changing their profiles. These changes include adding or modifying addresses, updating payment methods, and other information. The PaymentWorks Team is happy to work through this process with suppliers and departments whose suppliers need assistance.

You can learn more about PaymentWorks by visiting the Resources page of the FST website and scrolling down to the "For Fiscal Administrators" section. If you have further questions regarding PaymentWorks, you can send your questions to

WFCA: Defining roles, building opportunities

As we move closer to go-live, the functional team is matching the defined Workday Roles with existing Oracle Roles. Between January and March of 2022, the team will work directly with each unit in an iterative process to identify how to best fill these roles while ensuring separation of duties.

This role-definition process is important because as the FST management team shared when this project began: this is more than a technology transfer, this is about the people and their roles. Each employee plays an important part in not only ensuring that Workday Financials is properly utilized, but that they are taking part in an opportunity to reshape some of their roles and responsibilities. The team is exploring efficiency, work load, risk, customer support, and more. Team members are providing integral feedback in how jobs are done and what growth opportunities also enable a smooth process. This feedback will also help structure future training and instruction on the system.

Recently, FST hosted a lunch-and-learn with Change Leaders on Workflow Controls and Approvals and questions asked during the session help shape next steps. You can access the Zoom recording here. These conversations are crucial as the WFCA roles are further explored and defined.

Ultimately, this cross-Grounds partnership will redesign UVA's internal controls framework and shift from an "after the fact" compensatory control environment to a proactive one, by introducing upfront approvals where it makes sense. This reduces risk and should eliminate a large number of cost transfers. This new work flow will happen not because of a specific technology but because of the people who help determine process and re-create roles to ensure a smooth, manageable process. As such, more information will be shared and more conversations will be had as FST moves into the collaborative WFCA review process in January.