Monday, December 13, 2021

WFCA: Defining roles, building opportunities

As we move closer to go-live, the functional team is matching the defined Workday Roles with existing Oracle Roles. Between January and March of 2022, the team will work directly with each unit in an iterative process to identify how to best fill these roles while ensuring separation of duties.

This role-definition process is important because as the FST management team shared when this project began: this is more than a technology transfer, this is about the people and their roles. Each employee plays an important part in not only ensuring that Workday Financials is properly utilized, but that they are taking part in an opportunity to reshape some of their roles and responsibilities. The team is exploring efficiency, work load, risk, customer support, and more. Team members are providing integral feedback in how jobs are done and what growth opportunities also enable a smooth process. This feedback will also help structure future training and instruction on the system.

Recently, FST hosted a lunch-and-learn with Change Leaders on Workflow Controls and Approvals and questions asked during the session help shape next steps. You can access the Zoom recording here. These conversations are crucial as the WFCA roles are further explored and defined.

Ultimately, this cross-Grounds partnership will redesign UVA's internal controls framework and shift from an "after the fact" compensatory control environment to a proactive one, by introducing upfront approvals where it makes sense. This reduces risk and should eliminate a large number of cost transfers. This new work flow will happen not because of a specific technology but because of the people who help determine process and re-create roles to ensure a smooth, manageable process. As such, more information will be shared and more conversations will be had as FST moves into the collaborative WFCA review process in January.

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