Wednesday, December 15, 2021

CVC Update: Please give by December 20, 2021!


The 2021 Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign is quickly coming to a close. As we approach the end of the campaign, we want to provide you with a few updates to help us collectively finish strong.

General Updates
  • To date, UVA employees have pledged ~$500k, representing ~50% of total CVC pledges from all state agencies.
  • Over 70% of UVA funds pledged have been designated to local Charlottesville area organizations
  • Total participation across the University is about half of where it was during the 2019 campaign, but the number of different schools and units that have participants is wide ranging.

Important Deadlines
  • Payroll deduction concludes on December 20th.
  • Credit Card payments can be made through the end of the calendar year.
  • If anyone plans to give or report direct gifts in January 2022, please contact us at, so we can appropriately report the gift to count as part of the 2021 campaign.
Giving Information Reminders
  • Anyone who has given directly to a CVC charity should fill out this direct giving report.
  • For employees who need to give on the public site (those who do not have a UVA employee ID), can do so here and should select 207 – University of Virginia as their Agency.
THANK YOU AGAIN for all your efforts in making this a successful year for the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign. Let’s finish strong!

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