Sunday, August 28, 2022

Important August Monthly Close Dates

Monthly close activities will be performed on August 31st. Please be advised of the following deadlines and cut-offs:
  • Accounting Journals and Accounting Adjustments will be closed on Wednesday, August 31st at 4pm. All Accounting Journals and Accounting Adjustments (e.g. supplier invoice and expense report adjustments) must be approved by Wednesday, August 31st at 4pm, otherwise, they will be canceled by Central Accounting as they will prevent the period from being closed. Users are encouraged to enter all Accounting Journals and Accounting Adjustments by Tuesday, August 30th to allow sufficient time for approvals. Canceled accounting journals and adjustments can be copied and resubmitted in the next accounting period when it becomes available (see below).
  • Payroll will be closed on Wednesday, August 31st at 4pm. All Payroll Accounting Adjustments should be approved by Wednesday, August 31st at 4pm, otherwise, they will post to the next accounting period, when it becomes available (see below).
  • All other activity groups and transaction types will be closed on Wednesday, August 31st at 5pm. Users can continue to enter and approve expense reports, requisitions, purchase orders, ad hoc payments, banking transactions, customer invoices, etc. until this time to be posted in the current period. Any pending/unapproved operational transactions at cut-off will post to the next period when it becomes available (see below).
  • The September period will be opened on Wednesday, August 31st at 5pm. Users can continue to process Accounting Journals, Accounting Adjustments, as well as all other transactions at this time to be posted to the September period. Note that the Accounting Date for all transactions must be in the September period as August will be closed which may require the default Accounting Date to be changed to August.


  • The last scheduled Accounting Journals Integration (SIS, FM, Fundriver) for the month of August will be on Tuesday, August 30th at 7:00pm.
  • The last scheduled Customer Invoice, ISD, Supplier Invoice, and SIS Misc Payments integrations will run on Tuesday, August 30th from 6:30pm to 7:00pm.

Thank you for your cooperation and adherence to these deadlines. As we become more comfortable with the new system, UVAFinance may adjust deadlines and cut-offs in the future.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Five Things to Know About FST: August 26, 2022


1.  We've temeporarily increased staffing by 50% to tackle and resolve issues with Spend that have occurred due to the conversion to Workday Financials.  Our aim is to finish this work by the end of September.

2.  The deadline to complete July 2022 Account Certifications has been extended to September 30, 2022 (July and August will now be due on the same day).

3.  Historical Grants Data has been loaded into Workday Financials!  Now you can view summarized historical data for grant expenditures by award and grants. 

4.  There have been many updates and additions to the reports you can run in UBI and Workday Reporting.  Keep up with what's new on the blog.

5.  Don't forget to finish your Workday Financials Training by August 31.  If you need to add a role or request that a role be removed, visit our best practices for security requests.

FST Update: August 26, 2022

 No time to read all the text? Check out Five Things to Know about FST

Action Plan to Track & Solve Spend Issues

Multiple teams are working on taking care of the backlog of current invoices and new purchase orders and requisitions and having other operational constraints resolved by the end of September.  We've temporarily increased the staff focused on this effort by 50%.  The team has set up a page on the UVAFinance website where issues are tracked and where you can see what you and your team can do to expedite your payments and purchases.

Account Certification Deadline Extended

The July 2022 account certifications deadline has been extended to September 30th, 2022. This means that both July and August account certifications will be due on the same day.  Need some help?  We have resources, reports, FAQs, and office hours for that, so check out the full article on the blog. 

Adaptive Planning & Budget Workday Launch

The first feed of the working budget from Adaptive Planning 3.0 to Workday Financials occurred on August 18.  The budget is now uploaded Monday through Friday into Workday.  We've put together a few things to keep in mind now that the working budget appears in Workday Financials. 

Reporting Updates for Workday & UBI

The Reporting Team has been hard at work!  Check out the release notes on new reports in both Workday and in UBI (including new SIS reconciliation reports), as well as a Workday Reporting Overview to get you started.

More News You Can Use

Action Plan to Track & Solve Spend Issues

Contributed by Augie Maurelli

I'm writing today to share our action plan to address the backlog of current invoices and new purchase orders and requisitions that are currently weighing on many of your minds.  

Before I begin, though, I want to sincerely thank all of you in the schools and units for your ongoing support and cooperation as we make the necessary transitions that are a part of Finance Strategic Transformation.   It's been a long, complicated project, and at this stage, so much change can certainly wear on you and your team, and that's even before the bumps in the road that increase our stress levels.

The FST project team is working diligently to assist our operational units to address all of the issues resulting from cutover and conversion to Workday Financials and integrations with the system.  We have temporarily increased staffing assigned to these issues by over 50%.  The purchasing team is correcting converted purchase orders and clearing our backlog of requisitions in Workday.  The business solutions team continues to hammer away at our Marketplace integrations, while accounts payable is maneuvering a new platform to address invoice corrections, imports, and match exceptions, as well as assisting vendors.

All hands are on deck, working together to have the backlog and other operational constraints resolved by the end of September.  

There is no single root cause for the variety of complications we're facing.  Many of our processes are co-dependent, which means that solving problems involves investigation and manual interaction.  Please know that the spend team and the FST project team are making strides toward a steady state that will support you and your team as well as UVA's overall mission.  

We'll be keeping track of our progress as we focus on these issues Please visit this page on the UVAFinance website for updates.  On the page, you can see the current status of each situation along with next steps and projected dates when we have them.   While you're there, you'll see that as an end user, there are some things you can do to expedite your payment and/or purchase. 

Thank you again for your patience and partnership with us.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Heads Up: Workday's 2022-R2 Release is Coming!

Workday launches two feature releases each year.  The purpose of these updates is to release new features and enhancements, as well as improvements and fixes to existing features that may provide solutions to existing issues.  Most updates are optional, while others are required.  

The release scheduled for September 10 is required and will make some changes to the Workday homepage. 

You'll see lots of information, including a video tour, FAQs, and more, coming from both UVA HR and UVAFinance in the coming days.  Until then, here's a "sneak peek" at what you'll see come September.

  • New elements will be added to the homepage's updated user interface.  These are cards that focus information based on your role, in categories of Timely Suggestions, My Team, and/or Recommended for you.
  • Your apps will be condensed into an expandable view
  • A Global Navigation Menu has been added that you can access no matter where you are in Workday. This menu includes your Apps (which you can reorganize) and your Shortcuts (if you have any).

July Account Certification Deadline Extended to September 30

The July 2022 account certifications deadline has been extended to September 30th, 2022. This means that both July and August account certifications will be due on the same day.

  • SIS-WD Reconciliation details are now available. A new UBI application (SIS-WD Reconciliation - Finance Version) has been released for use in finding more detailed information for SIS amounts that are showing in your Account Certifications.
  • Need to find Account Certification roles? The Preparer and Approver of Account Certification are connected to several security roles in Workday. You can refer to the full list of Account Certification roles as well as find the specific security roles assigned to you using the UBI Workday Security Roles application.
  • Not sure you should hold this role? Reach out to your department head and work with your School/Unit’s Senior Department Finance Approver for Security. These roles cannot go unassigned.  If an individual is removed, a replacement needs to be identified.
  • Self-guided resources available on UVAFinance website | UVAFinance Training Webpage offers step-by-step guides and other training resources such as self-paced training, Prepare or Approve Account Certification quick reference guides, UBI to Workday Reports Crosswalk, and more!
  • Live engagement opportunities and ongoing support | Office Hours for Account Certification are offered throughout August with the next one scheduled for August 25 from 11:00 am – 12:00. Additionally, the Finance Solution Center’s agents are ready to answer any Workday questions you may have – reach out via email at or by phone at 434-924-3400.
  • Frequently Asked Questions | For more FAQs, please refer to the Resources/FAQS webpage on the UVAFinance website. Filter by: Functional Area – Account Certification and Sub-Category - Workday Account Certification.   

Monday, August 22, 2022

Historical Grants Data Loaded to Workday Financials

The Grants Team conducted a grants inception to date (ITD) data conversion over the past weekend to load historical data from the legacy system (Oracle) into Workday Financials.

You can now view summarized historical data for grant expenditures by Award and Grant. This historical data will appear in grants-related reports such as those highlighted in the Grants Management Spotlight Report.

The inclusion of historical data will enable you to get a full picture of all expenses on an award and enable you to accurately track and reconcile, as well as allowing you to compare budget and actuals. To view transaction details of legacy transactions, you can continue to use UBI reporting.

Visit and bookmark the Workday Financials Training page for resources such as self-paced training and quick reference guides. Office Hours are also available during the month of August, covering topics such as Account Certification, Grants Management, Reports & Dashboards, and more.

As always, should you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us at We’ll be happy to help!

Stakeholder Adoption Progress

As Angela Knobloch explained in a recent post, we are now in the Adoption phase of Finance Strategic Transformation. This phase, which is expected to last anywhere from 3 to 6 months, is all about stakeholders getting used to Workday Financials and becoming comfortable with the new system. 

There are several methods the FST team is currently using to assist with stakeholder adoption. The primary methods used are Office Hours, Learning Opportunities, Faculty & Research Engagement, and Live Support. 

Here's a look at how these methods are helping stakeholders: 

  • Office Hours: Virtual office hours allow for users with differing levels of comfort in the system to work together to problem solve. 

  • Learning Opportunities: 81 quick-reference guides, 18 self-paced trainings accessible in Workday Learning, and instructor-led and self-paced courses. Positive feedback from over 9,500 course completions indicate increased awareness, knowledge, and confidence among end-users. 
  • Faculty & Research Engagement: The FST team makes certain that everyone stays informed with both broad and targeted communications to faculty, researchers, and administrative staff.

  • Live Support: Finance Solution Center data indicates users have a strong understanding of who to contact for assistance or to report an issue. 

To learn more about stakeholder adoption progress, you can view the slides from the August Steering Committee and Advisory Group Meeting here

Bending Granite: Leading Change in the Culture of Higher Education

UVA Organizational Excellence is hosting an exciting session on leading change in higher education.  Maury Cotter and Kathleen Paris, co-compilers of Bending Granite, will focus this interactive session on leading change in higher education, with a “Pull v. Push” approach.

Maury Cotter, Co-founder and Director Emeritus, Office of Quality Improvement, UW-Madison, and co-founder and past President - NCCI.
Kathleen A. Paris, Ph.D., Distinguished Consultant Emeritus, UW-Madison, Author, and Consultant.
When: September 14, 2022, 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

For more information and to register, visit the Organizational Excellence website.

Adaptive & Budget Workday Launch

Congratulations again to the Adaptive Team and all of our partners across Grounds for the successful launch of Adaptive Planning 3.0 AND the first feed of the budget into Workday Financials on August 18.

The daily push of the working budget from Adaptive to Workday will be initiated manually Monday through Friday at 4:30.

The push to Workday is expected to be automated later this fall. At that time, the push to Workday will occur seven days a week

Here are a few things to keep in mind now that the working budget appears in Workday: 

  • Schools and units should continue to update their working budget in Adaptive
  • You do not need access to Adaptive in order to see your budget in Workday
  • All budget reports that include fund balances will reflect the current state of your fund balance realignment exercise. 

Training for Adaptive 3.0 is available in Workday (online, on-demand) for everyone and Office Hours are scheduled throughout August. Access to Adaptive is dependent on approval from your school or unit, and if you are not the budget officer for your school or unit, please check in with that person before you attend office hours. 

In the coming weeks, budget officers in each school and unit will be working on a variety of updates in Adaptive, including: 

  • Updating the budget to reflect new, more granular codes for faculty and wages spend categories
  • Adding the Transfer To/From Cost Center and ensuring that all transfers in/out are budgeted if known
  • Updating the Function Worktag as needed
  • Updating 1 to Many relationships
  • Reviewing initial conversion of Employee to Position and updating budget as necessary to reflect the currect Workday Position by Employee.
  • Maintaining a list of known changes since the original submission fo the budget. 

For more Adaptive Planning Resources and links to training, visit the UVAFinance webpage. 

Friday, August 19, 2022

Brittany Newton takes on New Role

 Brittany Newton joined UVAFinance in March 2020, assisting the Accounts Payable department in expense management and payment processing for the University’s vendors.

She joined the team because she realized how important it was to have fresh eyes on AP processing. She was also excited about the opportunity to be involved in the implementation of Workday.

Upon joining UVAFinance, she shared, "I am super excited about all the new things coming our way because of Workday implementation.”

Newton's enthusiasm and expertise proved helpful to the Financial Strategic Transformation mission 
and delivery. She will now further benefit UVAFinance's work as an Accountant with Business Assets and Cost Recovery.

"I will be working on registering business assets in Workday – capitalizing equipment over its useful lifespan," she said of her new position.

Currently, she is registering all the assets that did not make it into Oracle for FY 2022 and converting the data and registering them in Workday. She will also be helping with the fringe benefit rates for 2023 taking the assumptions from the previous year.

When not at work, Brittany is a self-described fitness enthusiast and enjoys trying new fitness-related activities. She is a fan of Spenga - a spin class combined with HIIT and Yoga.

Brittany is originally from Kansas City, Missouri, and is the only girl out of the six children in her family.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

First Month Close: One down, many to go!

July 2022 saw a successful first month close in Workday Financials!  Way to go, everyone!

The Workday period close generally occurs on the last business day of the month.  Workday offers the ability to close certain activity groups at different times, allowing greater flexibility.  The period close business process sends system notifications to the responsible person to complete a task and allows for monitoring of completed steps through the period close work area. There's no need to update tables and perform other lengthy update processes as we did in Oracle.

Something to keep in mind:  the biggest change from Oracle to Workday Financials is that Accounting Journals and Accounting Adjustments must be posted before the period can be closed.  The deadline to approve pending Accounting journals and Adjustments is 4pm on the last business day of the month.  Otherwise, they will be canceled centrally and can be resubmitted in the next accounting period. 

Workday Reporting & UBI Reporting Updates, Enhancements

Workday Reporting provides real time data that you can drill into, all in one place.  We have provided various types of reporting to help you find the information you need.  

Check out this Workday Reporting Overview for a great introduction into what you can find where.

See also the Finance Reporting and Analytics release notes for information on new reports in both Workday and UBI, including new SIS reconciliation reports.
Reporting Resources: 

Security & Request Best Practices for Workday Financials

Managers and employees requesting a security role addition or removal should review the list of best practices below relating to request-based access in Workday.

  • Review the list of finance security roles to identify which security role best fits the transactions you need to complete in the system and to determine whether training is required.
  • Run the Workday Security Roles Report in UBI to ensure you have not already been provisioned the role. 
  • Confirm security role requests with your manager and determine whether you or your manager will request access.
  • Complete all fields pertaining to the request, including organization type and organization. 

Adeline Coe to join next Cornerstone cohort

The next cohort of UVA's Cornerstone Program has been chosen, and among the 30 participants will be Adeline Coe. Coe is the Interim Assistant Director, Business Solutions & Data Analytics, in Procurement.

Candidates for the Cornerstone Program are nominated by Vice Presidents and Deans, and they are high performers who demonstrate leadership and management qualifications necessary for future senior leadership potential. Participants collaborate on team projects over the course of a year, which are then presented at a graduation ceremony in September.

Congratulations, Addie!

Read more about the Cornerstone Project on the UVAHR site and learn how to submit a project for cohort consideration

Monday, August 15, 2022

FST Update: August 15, 2022

No time to read all the text? Check out Five Things to Know about FST

What's Next with Finance Strategic Transformation?

Although both Workday Financials and Adaptive 3.0 are live, there’s still a lot of ground to cover with Finance Strategic Transformation.  The project team is working with our stakeholders to make tweaks, provide support, and do further work with reporting and analytics and other continuous improvement efforts.  Between now and December 2022, we'll be moving through two critical phases, Hypercare and Stabilization.

Read more about the Hypercare Phase and Stabilization.

Help as we Transition

During these next few months, users might find that they’re thrown a little bit backward in terms of their comfort with so many big changes. Learning to do anything well takes time, patience, and practice.  We encourage folks to keep attending office hours, seek out the resources we have online, revisit training and quick reference guides as needed, and stay in touch with project news. 

The deadline to complete Workday Financials Training has been extended to August 31!

View a list of resources that can help you and your team.

Keep Track of Approvals in Workday Financials

We aren’t used to getting notifications through Workday Financials about financial actions we need to take, and some of us may have new roles and new processes we’re working with.  You can run the “Processes Awaiting My Action” report in Workday to see what you need to attend to and how long it’s been out there.

Read more and access quick reference guides for approvals on common processes.

Adaptive Planning 3.0 Progress  

A big next step for both Workday Financials and Adaptive Planning 3.0, our budgeting software, is that on August 17, the budget will load from Adaptive into Workday for the first time.   Since the launch of Adaptive on July 28, most folks who need training have taken it, but there are some outliers, so if you haven’t taken your training, please do so!  The Adaptive Planning Team is holding office hours throughout this month if you need assistance as you’re getting into the system.

More information on what's next for budgeting at UVA

Fund Balance Realignment

Round 1 of fund balance realignment submissions are done and posted to journals, and those updates are reflected in Workday Financials.  There’s another round of submissions that will take place in September, and then after that cycle, schools and units can continue to move balances as needed with those changes being reflected in the period when the transfer is made.

Get all the details and a link to the Fund Balance Realignment quick reference guide.

More Items of Interest

Five Things to Know about FST: August 15, 2022


  1. The deadline to complete Workday Financials training has been extended to August 31.
  2. Be sure to keep track of Workday Financials transactions that require your approval.  You can run the "Processes Awaiting My Action" report to see what is open.
  3. Resources on Workday Reporting functionality basics as well as helpful resources are available to you on the UVAFinance website.
  4. Budgets will be visible in Workday Financials on August 17 (the first time they are loaded from Adaptive Planning 3.0).
  5. Updates made as part of Fund Balance Realignment are reflected in Workday Financials.  There will be one more cycle of realignment submissions and updates in September. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Save the Date: UVAFinance Team Meeting

 In just 7 weeks, the entire UVAFinance team will gather for an all-day meeting in Charlottesville. Please make your plans NOW to be on Grounds on September 29. A schedule is being put together and will be shared closer to the date. It is going to be a productive day and an excellent opportunity to collaborate on the future state and more after the launch of Workday Financials.

Need Hotel accommodations? The Travel Contracts page lists local hotels that provide discounts. When booking, please make sure to indicate you are booking under the UVA contract to obtain the discount.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

New on Finance Matters: Business Analysts weigh in on Change and FST

Two of the Business Analysts who joined the Change Management team during Finance Strategic Transformation share their perspectives on change, big projects, and what sets UVA and FST apart from other projects they've been a part of. Featuring guests Derrick Carter and Detria Thomas.


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

We're Hiring!


Visit UVAFinance's LinkedIn Page

As we post new job opportunities, we'll be turning to you for some help. Yes! You!

By sharing these opportunities on your personal LinkedIn pages, you help demonstrate the culture of UVAFinance and attract the right candidates. Currently, we are looking for a few positions and ask for your assistance in helping us broaden the scope. 

We invite you to share open positions to help us get views across a variety of networks. To do this:
  • Visit the UVAFinance LinkedIn page here
  • Locate the job announcement you wish to share and just under the post, click “Share”
  • From there, you can add some text such as “UVAFinance has an exciting opportunity to join our team as a Sourcing Specialist. UVAFinance is a phenomenal place to lead, grow, and work in a welcoming and supportive environment where everyone feels empowered to be their authentic selves and share ideas. We embrace a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and invite qualified applicants to apply and for anyone to share this opening with their networks.”
Thank you for helping us reach potential new team members!

Questions?  Need some help?  Contact Karen Templeton.

Workday Reporting Functionality

Want to know more about the basics of Workday reports, dashboards and worklets in Workday, how to access reports and dashboards, and how to identify various functionalities of reports and dashboards? 

Have we got a resource for you! 

Visit the Reporting & Analytics section of the UVAFinance website and click on "Workday Reporting Functionality" for links to a host of resources.

See also the Reporting & Analytics Release notes from August 12.

Adaptive Planning 3.0 Launch: What's Next for Budgeting

Adaptive Planning 3.0 went live on July 28.  With this launch, UVA now has budgeting software that will integrate with our financial system (Workday).

Introduction to Budgeting at UVA (a self-paced course available in Workday Learning) is required for all users who will be utilizing Adaptive 3.0 and is available to all employees. Please note that while the training is available to all, access to Adaptive is dependent upon approval from your School or Unit. 

Existing Adaptive 2.0 users lost access on July 28th if they did not complete the Adaptive 3.0 training. If you haven't yet finished training, do so as soon as possible.  Be aware that it may take time for the system administration team to set up individual access. 

Adaptive Budget Transformation Office Hours are scheduled throughout July and August. If you are not the Budget Officer for your School or Unit, please check in with that person before attending office hours. 

Currently, schools and units are working to update the initially converted budget for the first load to Workday on August 17.  On that date, all users will be able to see the budget in Workday.   

Please note that all budget reports that include fund balances will reflect the current state of your fund balance realignment exercise.

For  Adaptive Planning Resources including the office hours schedule and link, links to training, and more, visit this UVAFinance webpage

Workday Financials Recordkeeping Guidance

Our colleagues in Records and Information Management have helpfully provided guidance on records management requirements with regard to Workday Financials.  The good news is since Workday Financials is the official system of record for financial transactions, departments no longer need to keep records in paper or electronic form if an electronic version is uploaded to the system.  

Learn more about records management in Workday Financials on the RIM website.

Fund Balance Realignment Update

The Fund Balance Realignment team has received all Round 1 Fund Balance Realignment submissions and are processing the posting of those journals.  They are also working through Fund Balance Realignment cases coming through Salesforce.  

As of August 2, the updates are reflected in Workday Financials.  We will repeat the process of receiving Fund Balance Realignment submissions and making updates in September; this will be the final cycle.  After this final cycle, units can continue to move balances as needed, but they will be reflected in the period when the transfer is made. 

For more help, review the Fund Balance Realignment Quick Reference Guide.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Keep Track of Approvals in Workday Financials

Make sure you're not a bottleneck for financial transactions in your school or unit!  Put "checking for actions that require your approval" on your to-do list.  Here's how:

Run the Processes Awaiting My Action report in Workday to see what is open and how many days it has been since the process was initiated.

Review these Quick Reference Guides for best practices and step-by-step instructions related to approving transactions: 
Your colleagues will appreciate you ensuring these things are processed with little delay!

How does Request Based Access Work?

As of July 25, finance security role additions and removals are requested within the Workday Financials system.  If you need a role assignment updated, please follow the same process as we do for HR roles: 

1.  Initiate the Request: this can be done by the employee's manager or by the individual who needs the role.  Just navigate to the System Access Request application on the Workday Learning Dashboard.  

2.  Wait for review:  The Security Team reviews the request to ensure completeness.  Next, the employee's manager reviews and approves (or not), and the request is also reviewed by the school or unit's Senior Department Finance Approver for Security and the Data Steward for the role's subject area (if applicable).

3.  Validation:  If required for the role, the Training Team will ensure the individual has completed the necessary courses to receive security access.

4.  Provision:  The Security Team provisions the approved roles.

Note:  If you no longer need a role currently assigned to you, please follow the process above.  If training has been assigned to you for a role you no longer need, contact to request the training be removed from your "Required for You" listing in Workday Learning.  

Want more detail?  See this Quick Reference Guide on Workday System Access Request or visit this page to learn what all the roles do and what training is necessary.

We have also added office hours focused on Security Role Access.  Click here to see the August Office Hours Schedule!

Change is Hard: Here's help!

No matter how much preparation or training you've had for a new role or task, you never really understand all of the challenges change brings until you're actually hands-on, trying new things for the first few times.  Learning to do anything well takes time and practice, as well as the opportunity to ask lots of questions and revisit the training and guidance you've received.  

As we work toward a reasonable level of comfort with our new systems, Workday Financials and Adaptive Planning 3.0, here are a few suggestions to ease the transition: 
Reach out to with questions or comments – we value your feedback and are here to help!

What's next with FST?

Two major parts of the Finance Strategic Transformation Project have gone live:  Workday Financials on July 5 and Adaptive Planning 3.0 on July 28. 

While these two parts are major deliverables of the project, their implementation doesn't mean they're finished, and additionally, the project team is still working on the other two parts of the project:  enhanced reporting & analytics and a wide assortment of continuous improvement efforts related to our transformation.

So while we have certainly achieved two big milestones in the project, there is still much to do.  Here's what you can expect in the coming months:

Hypercare:  This phase started in July and will continue until September 2022.  "Hypercare" refers to the intense focus the FST project team maintains for the duration of this time period on assisting users in adopting the new system, troubleshooting issues, and making necessary tweaks to our new tools.  The project team and the future state support team work together on these priorities.

Stabilization: This phase stretches between October 2022 and December 2022.  During this time, we focus on transferring knowledge between the project team and the future state team, provide ongoing support, and continue to get ready to turn things over to the Operational State on December 2022.

Click for a larger view

Wellness Resources: August 12, 2022

Go for a Swim

Looking for a low-impact and aerobic exercise? Try swimming! Swimming is an excellent full-body exercise that strengthens your muscles & cardiovascular system without stressing your bones & joints. It burns tons of calories & there are a variety of strokes to try. Find your favorite or mix them up! Before the summer is up, find a local pool (Cville, CrozetAlbermarle Cty, Waynesboro ) or swimming hole & go for a swim! Or, try a gym membership e.g., UVA’s IM-Rec Sports which provides access to a pool (plus many other benefits).

Financial Wellness Checkup

There are a variety of financial webinars available to view on-demand via the Hoos Well Financial Wellbeing page. Scroll down and expand the Webinars section. Topics include:

  • VRS Financial Literacy
  • TIAA Financial Essentials
  • Debt Management and Budgeting
  • Your College Planning Choices
  • Social Security: Your Questions Answered
Plus many more!

FEAP for YOU - New Portal

Find resources developed and curated by the Faculty & Staff Employee Assistance Program (FEAP) in their new FEAP for You portal. You can also view recordings of past sessions led or sponsored by FEAP. There are many interesting and timely topics.

Extension of Deadline for Workday Finance Training Completion

In recognition of staff vacations and faculty returning to Grounds, we're extending the deadline for Workday Finance users to complete training to August 31, 2022. Users' assigned training in Workday will still show a July 31 deadline even though the grace period is in effect.

Links to the self-paced training for every role are available on the Workday Finance Training page.

Thank you for your continued support of the Finance Strategic Transformation project. We appreciate your help as we get all of our users in the best position to start the academic year in the new system.