Monday, August 15, 2022

FST Update: August 15, 2022

No time to read all the text? Check out Five Things to Know about FST

What's Next with Finance Strategic Transformation?

Although both Workday Financials and Adaptive 3.0 are live, there’s still a lot of ground to cover with Finance Strategic Transformation.  The project team is working with our stakeholders to make tweaks, provide support, and do further work with reporting and analytics and other continuous improvement efforts.  Between now and December 2022, we'll be moving through two critical phases, Hypercare and Stabilization.

Read more about the Hypercare Phase and Stabilization.

Help as we Transition

During these next few months, users might find that they’re thrown a little bit backward in terms of their comfort with so many big changes. Learning to do anything well takes time, patience, and practice.  We encourage folks to keep attending office hours, seek out the resources we have online, revisit training and quick reference guides as needed, and stay in touch with project news. 

The deadline to complete Workday Financials Training has been extended to August 31!

View a list of resources that can help you and your team.

Keep Track of Approvals in Workday Financials

We aren’t used to getting notifications through Workday Financials about financial actions we need to take, and some of us may have new roles and new processes we’re working with.  You can run the “Processes Awaiting My Action” report in Workday to see what you need to attend to and how long it’s been out there.

Read more and access quick reference guides for approvals on common processes.

Adaptive Planning 3.0 Progress  

A big next step for both Workday Financials and Adaptive Planning 3.0, our budgeting software, is that on August 17, the budget will load from Adaptive into Workday for the first time.   Since the launch of Adaptive on July 28, most folks who need training have taken it, but there are some outliers, so if you haven’t taken your training, please do so!  The Adaptive Planning Team is holding office hours throughout this month if you need assistance as you’re getting into the system.

More information on what's next for budgeting at UVA

Fund Balance Realignment

Round 1 of fund balance realignment submissions are done and posted to journals, and those updates are reflected in Workday Financials.  There’s another round of submissions that will take place in September, and then after that cycle, schools and units can continue to move balances as needed with those changes being reflected in the period when the transfer is made.

Get all the details and a link to the Fund Balance Realignment quick reference guide.

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