Thursday, January 26, 2023

From Melody's Desk: January 27, 2023

Dear Colleagues,

There are a lot of ways to count back on my time at UVA. One pertinent to the UVAFinance blog is to look back on the “From Melody’s Desk” notes. We launched nearly 9 years ago, on May 15, 2014, with the goal of better connecting the UVAFinance team, with an intended audience of 200. Over the ensuing nine years, my hair has grayed and we’ve welcomed new units into UVAFinance (OFPA, Procurement, Payroll, Treasury) and seen some units move to other parts of the University (OSP, UBI, SFS).

We’ve expanded the target audience to include all financial users across Grounds, about 4,500. We continue to celebrate UVAFinance, our people, and our achievements, but also utilize the blog as a primary communication mechanism to launch new systems – TravelUVA, UBI, Adaptive Planning, and Workday Finance – that have transformed how we do financial work at UVA. This was an especially essential communications tool during the pandemic and as we’ve moved to a more hybrid presence.

While my time employed at UVA will come to an end next week, I know that the UVAFinance blog will continue to keep you informed, maintain UVAFinance’s connection with the broader University, and, maybe, at times, entertained.

I recently sat down with Brandi Van Ormer and Patty Marbury to record two final Finance Matters podcasts, one reflecting on my 26-year career at UVA (and 35-year career since graduating from the McIntire School) and the second reflecting UVAFinance’s emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion. I invite you to take a listen.

My career here at UVA has been amazing in large part to this UVA financial community. Thank you!



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