Wednesday, January 11, 2023

November and December 2022 Account Certifications Due February 28, 2023

A fix to the MFS engine has been delivered and applied to the November and December 2022 fiscal periods. With the fix applied, we have been able to generate Account Certifications for the periods in question and they are now available to you with a due date of February 28, 2023.

We were unable to consolidate both months into a single Account Certification; as a result, you will notice a certification has been created for Nov-22 and Dec-22. We have created a video resource that may assist you in reviewing both months at once using the Details for Account Certification report. This video was prepared in collaboration with our trainers and functional experts and can be viewed by clicking here.

We currently do not anticipate a change in the timeline for January 2023 Account Certifications.

Thank you for your patience as we awaited a Workday's fix for this situation.

Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.

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