Monday, April 10, 2023

Requesting Role Changes: A Few Reminders

Requesting role changes can be a little confusing:  which process do you use?  Do you contact the Finance Solution Center or use Request-Based Access?

Use Request-Based Access in Workday for most role requests and for role removal.  RBA captures all approvals in the process and provides an audit trail, which is very important.  

Bear in mind that roles are tied to positions in Workday, so when someone changes a position, they lose their roles in Workday.  

Only if you're submitting a mass request (50+ roles), should you send the request through  This is a labor-intensive process that will take more time.  

If you need to see what security roles are assigned to your area, you can use the UBI application called Workday Security Roles. Find it on the UBI Hub here:

Helpful Resources

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