Thursday, April 27, 2023

Invoice Processing has Officially Moved In-House!

Contributed by Amanda Lockhart Davis

L to R: Rebecca Clore (temp), DeAnna Snead (temp), Jack Jensen (trainer),
Leslie Williams (AP), Brittany Ripple (temp), and Sarah Outten (temp)

How excited are we to report that invoice processing has moved in-house?  SO EXCITED!  And we know you're excited, too!

All invoices are being processed in-house, on-Grounds, and within UVAFinance, by warm bodies with thoughtful brains.

This Monday, April 24, a group of sharp-as-a-tack temps arrived to train with AP's Leslie Williams and UVAFinance trainer Jack Jensen.  While our AP team works through the more complicated invoices in our backlog, the temps will tackle new invoices that come into the system.  

You may have to reassure your vendors that the change in the address they may notice on their invoices is on the up and up.  And of course, as May progresses, you should start to see a real difference in the backlog.

We're so happy to deliver on a promised improvement and we look forward to keeping you up to date as the initiative progresses.   

Click the image to read her cheeky sign ;)

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