Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Wellness Resources: May 2023

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. 

How to Be a Mental Health Ally, May 18, 3:30 pm

Join FEAP and Hoos Well for this reward-eligible webinar to learn about the impact of mental health stigma and how this can impact those who experience mental health challenges. This webinar will also review specific ways in which you and your organization can help others by being an ally for those with mental health challenges and for those who may be experiencing mental health stigma.  Learn more and register.

Free Access to Healthy Minds@Work, a personal guided journey to a healthier mind.

FEAP Virtual Resources - A collection of resources to support mental and emotional wellness.

Insight Timer - The UVA Community has free access to this meditation app's premium content.  Access guided meditation, music tracks, and other recorded and live events for relieving stress, improving sleep, coping with challenges, and many other aspects of well-being and flourishing.  Here's how to access the app or upgrade your current access. 

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