Tuesday, May 30, 2023

New Episode of The Sprint Podcast

It's been a little while since we've done a Sprint Podcast! Things, as ever, are busy in UVAFinance, but we have been hosting regular Sprint discussions. In this episode, Patty and LaVerne catch you up on our March discussions on Fear. 

 Next time, they'll recap our recent round robins, which have (rather delightfully) been all over the place, covering topics from women's sports to healthcare disparities to artificial intelligence. 



Contact uvafequityactionteam@virginia.edu with questions, or suggestions, or to be put on our invite list. UVAFinance Sprints are optional and open to all.

Read more about DEI in UVAFinance on the website under Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion here. Also check out blog articles from the UVAFinance blog.

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