Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Sustainable Purchasing Updates

The Office for Sustainability joined the May Fiscal Administrator's meeting and provided updates on the current status of UVA's single-use plastics reduction efforts and shared that UVA has joined the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC). 

Single-Use Plastic Requirements:  To align with the  University's Sustainability goals, UVA will continue its commitment to reducing single-use plastics and will not purchase, distribute, or sell single-use plastics with UVA funds.   These requirements apply to purchases made with UVA funds, all units, foundations, and/or affiliates operating or providing a service on grounds or in UVA-owned buildings, and all events and projects taking place on UVA grounds.   Take the Plastic-Free Pledge!

The Supply Room Sustainable Products:  Located in the Marketplace, this curated collection gives you convenient access to compostable wares, aluminum water bottles, sustainable office and break room supplies, and more.  Look for this on the favorites tab or click the sustainable products logo you see here in the blog article. 

Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council:  UVA has joined the SPLC, which gives everyone on Grounds access to great resources.  Learn more and get the link to create your own account.

Anyone with questions or feedback can connect with the Sustainability team by emailing


Links to Resources: 

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