Wednesday, May 24, 2023

AP Tips & Tricks

There's a new crop of tips and tricks from our AP team this week!

  • Tips for tax:  An invoice should follow the terms and conditions of PO, whether to include tax or not, assuming that the PO is responsible for the origin of the Invoice.  Remember that UVA is tax-exempt and can supply a tax-exempt certificate at a vendor's request.
  • Tip on Invoice processing:  When entering invoices manually, enter the supplier invoice number first to let the system check if the invoice already exists in Workday.
  • Tip for Vendors on POs:  Advise vendors to ensure they are adding the correct PO #s to each invoice 
  • Tip on Responsiveness:  It is imperative that departments are responding to inquiries from AP quickly, as we are working hard to clear the backlog and a lot of times need information from the departments to complete the processing of an invoice.
Did you miss a past installment of AP Tips & Tricks?  Check them out here: AP Tips & Tricks May 11 / AP Tips & Tricks March 8 / AP Tips & Tricks February 8

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