Thursday, May 22, 2014

Consumer Information & The Department of Education

What does Constitution Day (September 17th, for those of you keeping score at home) have to do with University of Virginia undergraduate students’ financial aid? Well might you ask! And it takes a federal bureaucrat’s mother to love the connection. It all comes down to required disclosures of consumer information as determined and dictated by the Department of Education. In the case of Constitution Day, for example, the University of Virginia, and all other federally funded institutions, are required to offer educational programming on the history of the Constitution. The Batten School has taken over this noble task and ensures that we both educate the University and Charlottesville community and remain in the good graces of the Department of Education.

Because the timely disclosure of consumer information is linked to receiving Title IV federal financial aid funds, SFS leads the charge in coordinating all the various offices at the University who individually or in partnership with each other make the required disclosures. SFS spends hundreds of hours each year ensuring compliance with the federal regulations. 

For more information, please visit