Thursday, May 15, 2014

Welcome to the AVP for Finance News Blog!

I’m excited to announce the launch of a blog for our finance team.  This blog will be a great vehicle to better connect our units, to share all the great things that are happening in finance and the University, and to provide periodic updates to the exciting projects that will affect all of us.

You can bookmark the new blog at There will be new content released on a weekly basis.  You can sign up to receive posts regularly by email, but we will also send out notice of updates to the news blog on a regular basis. 

Take a few minutes to explore the blog.  Regular posts will provide updates on departmental activities and achievements, individual employee happenings – to welcome new employees and celebrate retirements, University news, higher education finance current happenings, and even a little fun.  We will use the blog to celebrate the amazing people in our team and to distribute information.

It will include:
·         ABOUT:  Background about the Finance team
·         FROM MELODY’S DESK:  Notes from me
·         FINANCE NEWS: What is happening in our team?
·         UNIVERSITY NEWS:  What is happening on and around Grounds?
·         CALENDAR:  Upcoming activities and events
·         PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT:  Professional development or personal enrichment
·         JOB OPENINGS:  University positions that may be of interest to the finance group

The blog is for the entire Finance team and I welcome your ideas for content.  What is it that you want to hear about?  Did your department have a great achievement?  Is there an interesting news article on higher ed that you want to share?  Do you want to write a post to share with the finance team?  For questions or submissions, contact your area representative (identified on the lower left of the blog’s main page) or to

Hope you enjoy reading the blog!
