Thursday, May 29, 2014

From Melody's Desk: May 29

On Tuesday last week, several of you were also able to participate in the fourth Finance Professional Workshop, coordinated by an awesome support team of planners, speakers, and facilitators that included the following members of the Finance Team: Devin Herod, Mike Holian, Ana Lynch, Sharon Brooks, Susan Herod, Judy DiVita, and Chip German.  (Others serving on the planning team included Victoria Savoy, Troy Dunaway, Elizabeth Allan, and Mary Andrew).  With technical support from Mike and Devin, the workshop is now available for viewing for everyone at

You will want to find time to view updates on the Managerial Reporting Project, the University Financial Model, Organizational Excellence (including the Hackett benchmarking project), and the Center for Leadership Excellence.  After a thought-provoking conversation cafĂ© break-out session, the day culminated in a conversation with Pat Hogan. 

Be sure to watch Pat’s session to prepare you for the upcoming Coffee and Donuts Chats – Pat is clear in his conviction that every one of our staff is a leader and in exhorting us all to “take courage, be leaders.”

On June 5th and 6th, the University’s Board of Visitors will meet.  You can view the schedule, read background materials, and see all proposed actions for the various committees at this site:  And, of course, you can watch the live streaming of the meeting here:  Of particular interest, the 2014-15 budget proposal will be discussed at 8:45am on Friday, June 6th.

Have a great week!
