Thursday, February 5, 2015

Barbara Deily's Retirement from U.Va. on January 11, 2015

On January 11, exactly thirty-two years and one day after she started her career at U.Va., Barbara Deily retired from the University of Virginia.  In honor of her long career of service to the University and the Commonwealth, we have reproduced below comments that Pat Hogan shared with University deans and other administrators, as well as with Barbara’s team in Carruthers Hall, back in November; the transcript of a Board of Visitors Commending Resolution from the November 2014 BOV meeting; and finally some comments from Barbara herself.  It seems fair, after all, that she should have the final word.

We will miss very much having Barbara as our colleague, benefitting from her profound perception, her command of the bigger picture and the smallest detail both, her unfailing kindness and commitment to her friends and co-workers, and the exemplary integrity with which she goes about whatever she does.  We are grateful for her work and for her collegiality, and we wish her health and happiness in whatever lies ahead.

Excerpts from Pat Hogan’s comments 
After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Penn State University, Barbara moved to Charlottesville in 1983 and accepted a position as an internal auditor at the University.  Over more than three decades since, she earned a master’s degree in accounting from U.Va.. and ascended through the ranks to become the University’s Chief Audit Executive, first on an interim basis in the spring of 1991 and then officially taking the helm in the fall of 1992.  Reporting to the Board of Visitors, the President, and me, Barbara has worked with two presidents, three chief operating officers, and dozens of Board members since 1991.  Each has relied on her laser-focus, attention to detail, and thorough examination to determine whether operations are functioning efficiently, effectively, and in accordance with management’s intent.

Barbara is a Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Information Systems Auditor in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  She has taught for the Institute of Internal Auditors and worked on a “digital signature” project for the Commonwealth.  NACUBO published an article she co-wrote on university financial management.

Under her leadership, Barbara’s team has conducted more than 1,000 audits touching every part of the University.  Barbara points out that the work of an auditor is very different than many people might assume.  As auditors, she and her colleagues don’t spend their days checking spreadsheets.  They are in the field across the Grounds, working with colleagues who have diverse responsibilities, examining processes and procedures and helping to ensure that our operations are efficient, effective, and compliant with regulations.  Barbara and her team have brought a personal touch to their work, thinking creatively to identify vulnerabilities and to propose methods of strengthening our systems and processes.

In her role as Chief Audit Executive, Barbara has been the embodiment of the University’s conscience.  Because of her dedication and solid work ethic, she leaves U.Va. a stronger place.  I am very grateful.  Barbara has built an excellent team in the Internal Audit Department to carry on the work they have done together.

Barbara has focused on her analytical interests during her career at U.Va. and now plans to devote some time to other pursuits.  She enjoys traveling and is working her way through a list of the seven wonders of the modern world.  She only has two left to see – in Mexico and Brazil – and plans to check those off her list soon.  She also plans to devote time to oil painting and other artistic hobbies.  Barbara says that auditing has been a fascinating career, and she is ready now for her next adventure.  Please join me in wishing Barbara the very best in her new endeavors.

Commending Resolution for Barbara J. Deily 
The Rector took a moment to thank Barbara Deily for her exemplary service as the Chief Audit Executive. He noted that he had served as chair of the Audit Committee and had the pleasure of working with Ms. Deily. She is a consummate professional, who never was flustered by the difficult and sensitive matters that were brought to her attention for investigation and review. Mr. Genovese, the current chair of the Audit Committee, read the following commending resolution for Barbara J. Deily:

WHEREAS, Barbara J. Deily took a B.S. in Accounting from the Pennsylvania State University in 1982, and a M.S. in Accounting from the University of Virginia in 1993; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Deily joined the University of Virginia’s Internal Audit Department in 1983 as a Staff Auditor, and became the Chief Audit Executive in 1991; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Deily is a Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Information Systems Auditor, and has lectured and presented nationally and internationally; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Deily has never been intimidated by the challenges she faced, and she has been committed to producing results that would stand the test of scrutiny; and
WHEREAS, in the most difficult situations, Ms. Deily exhibits a calm, professional demeanor that focuses on outcomes and facts; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Deily is trusted and respected by members of the Board of Visitors and by the administrative team who have relied on the work of her department; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Deily has been able to create positive working relationships with the entities being audited without compromising the independence and effectiveness of her department; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Deily has been even-handed in the way she deals with people regardless of their status within the institution, always showing respect, and exhibiting professionalism; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Deily was instrumental in the University’s adoption of a “Code of Ethics” for its employees in 2004; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Deily was recognized as the unofficial spokesperson for the auditing departments of Virginia colleges and universities, and was often asked for advice and guidance on audit issues, including audit-related legislation; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Deily has served on several state committees including chairing the Audit and Assurance Subcommittee for the Digital Signature Workgroup; and
WHEREAS, on January 11, 2015, Barbara J. Deily will step down as the Chief Audit Executive;
RESOLVED, the Board of Visitors thanks Barbara J. Deily for her outstanding and dedicated service to the University of Virginia and to her profession, and wishes her every success in all of her future endeavors.

The Last Word from Barbara
I have been so incredibly fortunate to have worked at the University of Virginia for over 30 years.  And, working for the internal audit department has been such a fantastic opportunity that I will be forever grateful to the person who took a chance on hiring me as a staff auditor.  All it takes is an occasional trip to Richmond, or conversations with auditors from other organizations, for me to realize how lucky we all are to work for such a highly regarded institution in relatively peaceful Charlottesville.

When I first started at UVA, I thought I would work for internal audit for a couple of years and then figure out what I really wanted to do with my professional life.  But internal audit turned out to be fascinating.  While I've routinely said that, some of the things I was exposed to they never told us about in Accounting 101, I have had the opportunity to see operations in much of this institution, and felt like I was being paid to learn, every single day.  No day was ever the same.

What has also been impressive to me over the years is the caliber of people we have here.  I know many of you could get jobs elsewhere, but you choose to stay in Charlottesville.  There is much to be said for those of us who manage to accomplish our goals within the constraints of diminished budgets and ever increasing regulations.  And the loyalty that many folks have for this place is truly inspirational.

There have been times when my department has had conflicts with various departments or personnel.  But I believe our actions and recommendations have always been made with the best interests of the institution in mind.  My department's reporting relationship to the Board of Visitors has required us to be independent from management, when necessary, and say the things that others might be reluctant to say.

There is no way to adequately thank all the people who have supported me during my time here...from the Board of Visitors and executive management, to my wonderful staff and colleagues,  to the people in Carruthers Hall who would just smile and say “hello!” when we passed each other in the building.  Each of us makes a difference in others' lives whether we realize it or not. Thank you to all of you who have worked to enhance each others' spirits, especially when we have gone through some difficult experiences together.

As this institution proceeds into the future, I would encourage each of you to follow the quote of our founder from the past.  Thomas Jefferson said, “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.”  Some truths stand the test of time.

I have enjoyed working at this incredible institution, and will miss you all very, very much.

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