Thursday, February 5, 2015

OSP: ResearchUVA is Coming!

As has been mentioned previously, the Office of Sponsored Programs--in conjunction with ITS and the Office of Organizational Excellence--is creating an electronic research administration system called ResearchUVA. More details about the project can be found here.

At the recent Research Administrators’ Forum, a demonstration of the system was presented. That presentation was videorecorded and can be viewed here. It is anticipated that the system will go live in April 2015.

ResearchUVA will include electronic access to award documents. It includes a screen of “FastFacts” with information for faculty and administrators about awards that are ending, accounts in deficit, burn rates, and reports due. Faculty and administrators will also be able to see current awards and proposals in progress as well as create internal proposal forms and certify them, prepare budgets, upload proposals, and create other forms to process necessary actions.

If you have any questions about ResearchUVA, please contact Vonda Durrer (vd9k).

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