Thursday, February 5, 2015

Comptroller: University Financial Report and Trainings

2013-2014 Financial Report 
The University experienced another strong year of performance in fiscal year 2013-14. Thanks to the skill and dedication of all of our people, we are better positioned than most universities to address the challenges facing public higher education. We have made significant strides in mobilizing the necessary resources to address the generational turnover of faculty and to pursue the strategic directions established in the Cornerstone Plan. We are focused on advancing the University’s distinctive qualities—an emphasis on close faculty-student interaction in an unparalleled setting, cutting-edge research, and affordable excellence—that continue to distinguish us in a highly competitive landscape and that enable us to deliver value to the citizens of the Commonwealth, the nation, and, increasingly, the world.

Advanced Excel Training
The pilot class developed by Peggy Reitz (University Human Resources) was presented to people from Managerial Reporting, AVPF, OSP and the University Comptroller for their comments and feedback. This is considered a critical foundational class in a rigorous financial training program that will ensure that employees with financial or budget responsibilities have the analytical skills they will need to be successful.

GA/GL Training 
The pilot class of a new combo GM/GL training session has been developed by Lynn Galasso (Office of the Comptroller) and Peggy Reitz (University Human Resources) and will be presented to a targeted group for feedback. The purpose is to develop a session that incorporates technical Integrated System training with related polices and best business practices, for a more integrated approach to how we do business. This is important as we begin to consider how to better integrate our training resources into a comprehensive financial curriculum.

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