Thursday, August 6, 2015

Mark Your Calendar: Research Administrators Forum & CRA Study Sessions

Research Administrators Forum
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM 
 Newcomb Hall Kaleidoscope Room on the 2nd floor
Come meet Elizabeth Adams, our new AVP for Research Administration. Also, Patty Marbury will also be conducting a focus group session discussing finance training needs.

Fall 2015 Certified Research Administrator (CRA) Study Sessions
On behalf of the new Finance Outreach and Compliance team and in conjunction with the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), we are pleased to announce the University of Virginia’s fall 2015 Certified Research Administrator (CRA) study session schedule.  This is the tenth year that we’ve partnered with subject matter experts from across grounds to offer these study sessions to provide help to those attempting to master the body of knowledge specified by the Research Administrators Certification Council (RACC).  Although UVa subject matter experts will be leading these sessions, they are NOT targeted to address practices specific to UVa, rather the experts will speak about the requirements for obtaining and managing sponsored awards from a global perspective.  However, participants will be provided links, work aids, and course recommendations for learning more about how UVa implements these requirements through policy, procedures, and guidance.

For those interested in pursuing the CRA certification please review the specific educational and experience requirements available on the RACC website.  The exam to be administered this fall will not include questions drawn from the Uniform Guidance as the RACC has decided to phase those in gradually over the next three years.  Here is the proposed phase in schedule:

• May and November 2015 – former regulations (Circular based and using agency specific regulations predating the December 26, 2014 implementation date)
• May and November 2016 – approximately 1/3 of the relevant questions will be based on the new regulations
• May and November 2017 – approximately 2/3 of the relevant questions will be based on the new regulations
• May 2018 examination – All relevant questions will be based on the new regulations

Fall testing dates are early this year, so our kick off session is scheduled for Wednesday, August 26 with weekly sessions to follow through Wednesday, November 4.

These sessions:
include a minimum of 11 meetings focused on specific examination topics
will be no longer than two hours (mostly scheduled from noon – 2pm)
are limited to the participation of 12 individuals; priority will be given on a first come first served basis
will be provided at no cost to you or your department
will require a time commitment from you outside of the formal study sessions, particularly if you plan to take the CRA exam
will require the support of your supervisor

Most sessions will be held in FinAdmin Conference Room E, located in Carruthers Hall.

In contrast to past years, we are not limiting participation in these sessions to those who are eligible and planning to take the CRA exam; that said we do require that participants have a strong desire to advance their knowledge of research administration and commit to attending all of the sessions.

If you would like to be a part of this intense and rewarding program, with the approval of your supervisor, please contact Greg Ball at 243-2168 (gdb6z) by Monday, August 17th.

If you want to study for the CRA exam or just improve your knowledge of research administration but cannot commit to the full 11 week program and would like information about other options, please contact Finance Outreach and Compliance (  You are also welcome to use this listserv to send us your suggestions for future training programs (sponsored or non-sponsored) and to ask any questions you may have about finance regulations, policies and procedures.

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