Thursday, August 20, 2015

MRP Staffing & How to View Reporting Relationships in Outlook

The Managerial Reporting Project recently added more staff, and is rapidly filling additional openings on the team. With the recent and projected growth, the team realigned its structure to operate more effectively.

Forrest Swope (Data Stewardship Lead), Mark Anderson (Decision Support Systems Lead), Scott Newman (Director of Reporting Technologies), and the Change Management Lead (to-be hired) serve on Judy DiVita’s leadership team. All other staff report up to either Judy or someone on her leadership team. The project will continue to partner closely with ITS, with leadership support from Teresa Wimmer.
These changes will be reflected in the Integrated System in September. But did you know you can see manager/direct report information right in Outlook? For example, you can see Judy DiVita’s organization by hovering-over her name in an outlook email:

Mouse-over a name to see that person’s contact card. Click the down arrow on the right expand the contact card.

Select “Organization” to see the person’s Manager, peers that share the Manager…

… and scroll down to see direct reports.

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