Thursday, August 6, 2015

Updates from MRP: More New Team Members, Agile Training, & Data Governance

More New Managerial Reporting Project Team Members
Ashley Bagby is the newest Managerial Reporting Project Data Analyst. She brings 16 years of experience in finance and operations at GE, and is excited to work with a new group of sharp, dedicated people across Grounds. She was a Classics major at UVA, and is thrilled to be back!

In her spare time, Ashley enjoys knitting cool socks and cheering for UVA sports—admittedly at the same time. She once completed a pair of socks in 26 hours, which we assume is fast. Her husband, kids and cat Richard hope she can break the 24-hour mark. Welcome, Ashley!

Agile Training
Tom Kim from the Managerial Reporting Project is starting monthly Agile information sessions. The sessions will give University employees insight into the MRP methodology, and general information about the project. The first class is Wednesday August 19th at 10amlearn more and RSVP online.

Data Governance Explained
Do you know what data governance means? Do you know why the Managerial Reporting Project is working on it? Would you like a quick video explanation? Join Forrest and Tom from the MRP team as they discuss data governance within the context of a couple easy-to-understand scenarios at the University.

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