Thursday, May 18, 2017

Notes from the Mayor

A collection of upcoming dates, useful info, and general intelligence you need, straight from the desk of Carruthers Mayor Stacey Rittenhouse  . . . just in case you deleted the email.

Construction Alert:  North End of Carruthers Hall

Starting Tuesday, May 23, 2017; contractors will be working to install bollards along the north end of Carruthers Hall. This project is expected to take 10 working days to complete, weather permitting. Working hours will be 7:am until 5:pm daily.

Access to the building will be limited on the north end during construction. However, north egress for emergencies will still be allowed.

Please see map below marked in red for location.

Carruthers Hall Blood Drive on May 22

The Bloodmobile will be here on Monday, May 22, from 10:00 am - 2:30 pm.  Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are welcome.  Please sign up with Stacey Rittenhouse or go online at 

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