Thursday, May 18, 2017

What do you want to see on the Lunch and Learn Menu?

For the past nine months, the UVAFinance employee Engagement Committee, in partnership with Finance Outreach and Compliance, has offered Lunch and Learn sessions for UVAFinance team members. Presentations have included topics meant to broaden your professional horizons, add to your knowledge of UVA services and programs, and even help you in your day to day work.

As we look at our upcoming schedule, we’d like to hear from the UVAFinance team on what topics would get you to join us for a Lunch and Learn. We welcome your suggestions of speakers and/or subject matter.

Have a topic on which you’d like to share your expertise? Please contact or Patty Marbury to share your feedback or get on the schedule!

Hope to see you at a Lunch and Learn session soon!

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