Thursday, May 18, 2017

Supporting the Research Mission: UVA Joins ACTA

The Office of Sponsored Programs has moved forward with additional efficiency in clinical trial contracts by joining the Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreement (ACTA). ACTA’s ‘master agreement’ basis can expedite the startup of clinical trials by reducing the average time for contract terms negotiation by almost half.

ACTA was developed through the NIH Clinical Translational Science Award Network to create a standard agreement to accelerate the contracting process between sponsors and entities registered to the ACTA. It is essentially a pre-negotiated contract that covers the terms and conditions for clinical trials.

“Our participation in ACTA is another way we can support the research mission at UVA,” said Kristy Hall, Director of Contracts in Sponsored Programs.

“Complex contract negotiations are often identified as a major barrier to efficient study initiation, and ACTA can streamline this process,” she added.

Language in the ACTA strikes a fair balance between the concerns of both UVA and sponsors. Participation in the ACTA is voluntary, and use of the ACTA depends on the agreement with the sponsor.

Contact Kristy Hall or Lynn Koplin in Sponsored Programs for more information.

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