Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Resources for those who communicate in UVAFinance*

* That means everyone! 

Everyone communicates, even though for most of us, it's not our primary job function.  And the better we are at communication, the better and more successful we are at our jobs.  

UVAFinance team members have a whole host of resources available to them to help in the pursuit of more effective communication:

  • UVAFinance Brand Resources on Box:  Email bv8h@virginia.edu to be added to this folder, which contains:
    • Logos, stationery, presentation templates
    • a bank of UVAFinance photos
    • guidelines for communicating within UVAFinance most effectively
    • walkthrough of communication channels within UVAFinance
    • many other helpful communication tools and resources
  • brand.virginia.edu:  You can view most of the assets compiled here by University Communications, but it's easy to create a login in order to download an array of great resources:
    • UVA photography (searchable by keyword)
    • print resources, including word templates for one-pagers
    • examples of great communication pieces done by schools and units across UVA
    • and much, much more!
  • Finance Outreach & Compliance's "Effective Communications" playlist All of this Lynda.com content has been vetted by FOC, and covers a wide range of topics including:
    • grammar
    • writing email
    • communicating across cultures
    • having difficult conversations
    • business writing
    • overcoming fear of public speaking
    • and much more! 

And one more thing:

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