Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Upcoming Lunch & Learn Sessions for UVAFinance

Successful Communication 101 
April 25, 12pm - 1pm
Carr-1 and Carr-2

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. – George Bernard Shaw

No matter what your role is in UVAFinance, communication is a part of what you do.  Emails, reports, presentations:  we do these things every day.  The quality and clarity of our communication, and the methods we use to execute it, can be what makes or breaks the success of our project, collaborative efforts, and personal goals.  The purpose of this course, facilitated by Brandi Van Ormer of UVAFinance Communications, is to help you evaluate your area’s communication efforts by focusing on some key points surrounding the message you want to deliver.  We’ll also cover the internal processes for sharing information within UVAFinance and across UVA. 

Time Management:  Prioritizing Life and Work
May 1, 12pm - 1pm
Carr-1 and Carr-2

In this session, Tonia Duncan-Rivers from the Center for Leadership Excellence will help us identify "time robbers" and barriers to effective time manaagement.  In this session, we will learn how to deal with interruptions, procrastination, and disorganization so we can be more efficient and effective in our lives and at work.  (This is a shortened version of the three hour CLE course of the same name.)

Looking ahead to June:  We'll have a session featuring tips on using Outlook to save time and be more organized, productive, and proficient. Date TBD -- watch for updates!


Lunch and Learns are short, informative sessions for UVAFinance employees.  Registration is not required and you're encouraged to bring your lunch.

Questions? Suggestions for future sessions?  please contact us at finance_engagement@virginia.edu or foc-training@virginia.edu 

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