Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Travel & Expense Expo: Thank you for coming and send your suggestions

Despite cold, rainy weather, a large crowd came out to enjoy the vendors and seminars featured at the Second Annual Travel & Expense Expo. The Expo, hosted by the Travel & Expense Team in Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services, aims to provide practical information to UVA travelers and travel planners.

Comments given on the post-event survey by those attending show that the Expo planning team met their goals:
  • I processed a passport renewal, and really appreciate the convenience of having that service here. Thank you!
  • The Expo was fantastic – very informative, lots of opportunity for networking, and placing faces to names. 
  • I didn’t go to workshops, but I got to talk to vendors and ask questions about their systems. I truly value the face-to-face. Thank you for holding this event!
  • The Expo was a good experience. The vendors were knowledgeable and helpful.
  • My coworkers and I enjoyed the event and look forward to next year.
  • I was amazed at the number of vendors who set up and were so engaging.
  • I was especially glad to get the UBI report demo, and there were some very good questions answered at the ExpenseUVA workshop
If you have suggestions for next year’s Expo, please email the Travel & Expense team at travel@virginia.edu – your ideas are most welcome!

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