Thursday, October 24, 2019

Opportunities for SWaM vendors at SWaMFest 2019

Small, women-owned, and minority-owned (SWaM) businesses enjoyed another great SWaMfest this October.  This was the 15th year of SWaMfest, the Commonwealth's premier networking, educational, and professional development event, and is organized yearly by the Virginia Association of State College and University Purchasing Professionals (VASCUPP).  

UVA is proud to be a member school of VASCUPP, and delighted to help provide opportunities to our SWaM suppliers. 
Events at the conference were focused on four key areas of business lifecycles:  processes, partnerships, possibilities and profits.  

Are you interested in using a SWaM supplier for your departmental purchasing needs?  

We can help!  Contact SWaM Champion Jack King in Procurement. 

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