Wednesday, October 30, 2019

UVA Marketplace Upgrades: Resource and ISP sections

Procurement recently took another step toward its goal of making the UVA Marketplace a one-stop-shop for all things procurement-related. 

To eliminate the need for shoppers to seek necessary information in several places outside of the Marketplace, the procurement team added a few resources often needed/required during the purchasing experience:
  • Procurement-related forms and procedures:  sole source justifications, authorization approvals, etc.
  • Increased awareness and connection to UVA departments in charge of managing critical processes, such as Information Security and Accessibility.
  • Connectivity with Internal Service Providers (ISPs) such as Printing & Copy Services, Cavalier Computers, and more. 

The team hopes that having easy access to these resources will make the purchasing experience smoother for departments. 

See a screenshot of the new features: 
Click image for a larger view

Let us know how we can help make the Marketplace experience better for you!

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