Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Vendor profiles deactivated due to inaccurate information

Procurement has been verifying all vendor information in the Marketplace as a part of routine data cleanup. They have found approximately 2500 vendor profiles that contain inaccuracies such as old addresses and, most importantly, mismatching tax ID numbers and incorrect company names. These inaccuracies can cause confusion and non-compliance with the IRS.

For every incorrect Tax ID number in our system, UVA receives a potential penalty notice that could result in a fee from the IRS if not corrected. As a consequence, Procurement has been deactivating all vendors with inaccurate information in their profiles. 

Each deactivated profile will have a note describing the reason for deactivation, found in the internal notes section of the Supplier 360 tab (see the image below).  If you encounter this note on a supplier you use, please reach out to your contact within the company and ask them to fully register and update their information in the UVA Marketplace.

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