Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Outstanding FDM Design Questions and Proposed Governance Changes

As the FST team readies for the Configuration & Prototype phase starting soon, workstream leads identified open Foundation Data Model (FDM) design questions. These considerations could delay FDM design and impact the timing of Workday Financials integration and conversion tasks.

The team has determined the impacts as they relate to the following: 

  • FDM Mapping 
  • Integrations
  • Conversions 
  • HCM Alignment
  • System Remediation Impact

The team has prioritized these according to impact, established due dates for resolution, and designated responsible owners. 

FDM questions about the following have been resolved:

  • Loan worktag
  • Use of multiple funding sources (MFS) for operational projects
  • Assignee worktag format
  • Use of the cost center worktag driving the balancing unit value
  • Future use of the region worktag for UVA’s clinical enterprise have ben resolved 

Questions about the work order worktag, formatting of the cost center worktag, and department and accounting string worktags in Workday HCM (HR Workday) remain, but they are anticipated to be resolved this month. 

The extended timeline for the FST project enables the team to propose some restructuring of the FDM governance group to streamline oversight and decision-making. The proposal is to add representatives from FST team leadership and formalize a link between FDM governance and Cross-Platform Support (CPS) operational governance. 


Read more about how the FDM team is working with departments right now:  Danielle Hancock has written this great update in CommunityHub about Worktag development!

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