Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Uncharted Territory: Sharing Resources During the Pandemic


UVA now has access to the meditation app’s premium content

Insight Timer is an award-winning smartphone app and web portal featuring a meditation timer and the world’s largest free repository of guided meditations, music tracks, and other recorded and live events for relieving stress, improving sleep, coping with challenges, and addressing many other facets of well-being and flourishing. To date, more than 60,000 recordings have been uploaded to the site, and free yoga classes from leading instructors are available daily!

Thanks to a new partnership with Insight Timer, UVA students, faculty, and staff now have free access to the app’s premium (paid) Member Plus content and increased functionality, including the ability to fast-forward and rewind within a track, pause a track to return to it later, and download tracks for offline access.

Click here to register for Insight Timer, discover CSC’s curated playlists and original content, and learn more about getting started with this amazing resource.


How to Handle Election-Related Stress

More than 70% of Americans report being stressed about the political climate in the US, according to a 2020 report from the American Psychological Association. In response to this increased stress surrounding the election, we provide our top tips to handle pre- and post-election stress.  


21 Ways in 21 Days to Rest and Restore
FEAP invites you to take care of yourself using a series of effective strategies to restore your own energy tank. Using our interactive calendar, you'll have a choice of activities that will help you to attend to your own needs every day. It isn’t necessary to commit to a specific 21 days in succession; these activities are flexible and can be done as you choose.
Activities are available October 19 - November 30.
Register for 21 Ways

Providing Support to Someone Struggling with Substance Abuse
Live webinar, November 5
Learn strategies to support someone who may be struggling with substance use, while still maintaining your own emotional wellness. You will increase your knowledge and understanding of substance use as well as how to proactively support someone who may be struggling.
Register for Providing Support to Someone

Recovery Ally Training
Live webinar, November 18
A Recovery Ally is an individual who supports those in recovery, advocates for recovering individuals, and educates themselves about the disease of addiction, societal stigma, and resources available. This introductory-level Recovery Ally training is designed to begin to increase our community’s recovery capital on Grounds, decrease stigma, and grow intervention skills for staff members.
Register for Recovery Ally Training

Connect for Support for Employees
30-minute drop-in sessions discussing coping strategies and possible resources to help you during this challenging time.
Register for a session

Connect for Support for Managers

30-minute drop-in sessions providing leaders with emotional support, resources, and strategies to help yourself while supporting your team during this challenging time.
Register for a session


On October 10, we honored World Mental Health Day, raising awareness of mental health issues around the world. Acknowledging that we are living in an anxiety-ridden time and the mental exhaustion that stress and anxiety can cause, FEAP offers a variety of resources for your support. We invite you to view our Strategies for Managing Stress and Decreasing Anxiety and watch the recording of our recent " How to Rest and Restore During Turbulent Times" webinar.


7:50am (ET)
Free and open to the public. Registration required.

Together with our partners across Grounds, CSC is pleased to invite you to attend our ongoing series Virtual Meditation on the Lawn hosted live every Monday, for 7-8 minutes beginning at 7:50am ET.

Each week a different member of the UVA community leads these five-minute sessions designed to help UVA faculty, staff, students, parents, and friends cultivate mindfulness, compassion, resilience, and a sense of belonging together.

Coming up on November 2, our host will be David Germano, Executive Director, Contemplative Sciences Center.

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to take a toll on the well-being of all members of the UVA community, it is even more crucial that we find regular moments of peace, reflection, and contemplative connection with each other.


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