Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Change & Continuous Improvement: Looking for Opportunities to Transform

From Angela Knobloch, FST Change Management & Continuous Improvement Workstream Lead

In transforming processes, it’s often easy to overlook the simple things that, if changed, could add up to a huge impact. When looking at our processes, we should look through the lens of what adds “value”...and value is ultimately determined by the eyes of the end user. While not all activities can be eliminated, consider how you can minimize things that don’t bring value to the ultimate output of your process.

Here are some examples of non-value-added tasks to consider:

  • Counting the amount of work
  • Inspecting and checking
  • Sorting work
  • Logging information
  • Checking calculations
  • Moving and set-up
  • Monitoring work
  • Reworking of any type
  • Reviewing and approving

Value-enhancing items promote efficiency and clarity for those who benefit from/need the output of your process. Challenge the status quo and ask: “Do we really need to do this? What value is it adding to the process?”

Let’s transform our work by enhancing value!


See more Change and Continuous Improvement content from Angela in the online Community in the Continuous Improvement section, including her recent posts about The Importance of Trust and Elevating Success

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