Wednesday, November 11, 2020

From Melody's Desk: Core Values and Behaviors

Dear Team,

As I reported in July, UVAFinance has taken a new look at the five core values that we’ve had in place since 2016. Over the past several months, the extended leadership team has done extensive work to develop clear definitions of the values so that we all have a consistent understanding of what is meant by the values. Your 2020 UVAFinance values defined:

In addition to working on the definitions, the extended leadership team worked to identify behaviors – observable actions of how one conducts themselves – that UVAFinance team members could demonstrate to show their actions are related to these core values. As we have talked about the behaviors in several team meetings, we’ve continued to refine and shape these.


Click the image for a larger view

There are over 100 behaviors, so I will not list them here and will instead link to them here.  But a few examples:

Diverse and Inclusive Teams:

        Engages in learning opportunities on diversity, equity, and inclusion

        Intentionally seeks out diverse members when recruiting new talent

        Promote and model an environment that encourages effective bystander intervention

Collaborative Partner:

        Encourages debate to create a better outcome, and supports final decision

        Practices being fully present in all meetings

        Asks “how might this affect someone else” when making decisions

Strategic Continuous Improvement:

        Sees a problem and proposes a solution

        Uses Lean tools to discover opportunities to improve processes

        Asks “Why do I do this? Is this valued by the people I support?”

Impeccable Source of Information:

        Validates accuracy of information before sharing

        Provides information is that is timely, concise, and precise – every time!

                Participates in professional development to build knowledge and skills

Service Excellence:

        Follows-through on commitments and deadlines

        Writes clear communications with end-user in mind 

        Explains rationale when unable to meet specific request and offers alternate solutions

With these values and behaviors clearly articulated, each UVAFinance team member should be able to know exactly what their manager expects from them and how they can live the values each and every day. You should have opportunities to talk about the values and behaviors within your teams. I also know that things change, so this should be considered a living document. I’ll always be open to new ideas or suggestions, so please share your thoughts with me. 

I appreciate all the work and thought that has been put into this effort. You should look out for future opportunities to demonstrate your commitment to these values, including some training and development offerings.

My best to your families. Please continue to practice self-care, as well as good masking and distancing!

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