Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Welcome to the Configuration & Prototype Stage of FST

Now that it’s November, Finance Strategic Transformation is entering the stage of Configuration and Prototype (C&P).  This stage is all about transitioning from theoretical design to concrete application.

The project team is currently finishing up the first tenant build. Once this build is ready, stakeholders invited to Customer Confirmation Sessions (CCS) will get a chance to see UVA data and processes within the Workday Financials system, experience the look and feel of the new system, and become familiar with the interface.

Initially, the stakeholders invited to these sessions will primarily consist of those who participated in the architect sessions earlier this year. After November and December, more and more stakeholders will get a look at the build. Stakeholder participation is particularly critical during this stage for capturing feedback, questions, and suggesting potential help text and system notifications for end-users. The FST team will record these suggestions and use them for the second and third builds during this stage. Once those tenants are built, there will be more Customer Confirmation Sessions to gather more feedback and confirm everything is on the right track.

More information on the Configuration & Prototype stage is available here. As we get further into this stage, more updates will be available on the FST website and the Community, so make sure to keep an eye on those spaces.

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