Thursday, January 28, 2021

Change & Continuous Improvement: A Blending of Possibilities

From Angela Knobloch, FST Change Management & Continuous Improvement Workstream Lead

While there are multiple models of change management, and even more tools available to apply continuous improvement, at its foundation, it’s all about thinking differently.

Continuous change comes first with changing our thinking. 

Consider this: Someone may set a new year’s resolution to “get healthier.” She may map out a new exercise routine, plan healthy meals, even find a partner to hold her accountable (all behaviors). However, if her thinking about her health doesn’t change, it may be hard to sustain new habits.

To make any change, you should ask:
  • How might I think about this differently?
  • What perspectives do I need to ensure these new habits?
  • Why is this important?
Blending tools plus challenging your thinking may lead to a world of possibilities!

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