Thursday, January 28, 2021

Five things to know about FST: January 28, 2021


1.  System remediation enters the plan and analyze phase. Key activities include developing specific systems' remediation plans and ensuring units have necessary resources available. Read more in this remediation blog post.   

2.  FDM mapping work continues.  The team is working closely with schools and units and showing some sample mappings.  A good primer on the FDM as the new chart of accounts can be found on the Community (Video).

3. Workflow Control is a new workstream in FST.  Christine Kennedy and Steve Marciniak will be partnering with Records and Information Management, Audit, and Compliance to address questions related to approval flows. More on this soon!

4. Training is being developed.  The FST Training team is using info from peer institutions who've just gone live with Workday Financials to develop training in a wide variety of modalities.  Read more here. 

5.  Workday Financials goes live on July 1, 2022.  Besides the Workday implementation, FST consists of four parts.  See them here on the FST website.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is my new favorite quick summary of what's happening in FST!