Thursday, April 29, 2021

FST Updates


Want to listen to this update instead of reading it? Click here to tune into the WFST Broadcast!

No time to read paragraphs?  Check out "Five Things to Know about WFST"

Foundation Data Model (FDM):  The FST team has recommended some changes to the way worktags will be used in the FDM.  The main difference is that we will use two driver worktags instead of three, with the program tag no longer being a driver.  Driver worktags determine the values of other worktags – the difference is that now, users will have the option to keep the defaulted value or choose another from a list of allowed worktag values.  This approach offers greater flexibility while still limiting opportunities for error.  Read more on the blog.

FDM Mapping:  The team is working with several schools and units to test out the mapping exercise process that everyone will take part in soon.  After a few weeks in May of refining the procedure with these collaborators, the team will have enough info and experience to provide more detailed instructions and expand mapping activities to include others. You can still be making progress with mapping right now, even while we wait for the mapping tool to be available in July.  Here's how to prepare for mapping.

Adaptive Planning:   The Adaptive Team is still pushing toward the third, Workday integrated version of Adaptive Planning, the University’s new budget tool. The team is refining the current tenant of Adaptive Planning based on user stories they’ve gathered from schools and units across UVA.  If you’d like to see more about the work with Adaptive, and the budget process redesign, check out this update.

The Grants management workstream has also been very busy behind the scenes – they're partnering closely with FST colleagues working on the FDM, payroll costing, and reporting and analytics to ensure seamless integration of grants in all those related areas. More here on the blog.

Training:  Training plans are coming together.  We’re still a year out from the delivery of training, but we’ve pulled together a roadmap that will allow us to design, develop, and deliver training that fits the needs of our stakeholders. See the latest update from the Training Team.

FAQs from Sneak Peek Sessions: We’re answering some of the 244 questions raised in those sneak peek sessions our Change Leaders held after round one of Customer Confirmation sessions – you’ll be seeing some of the most common ones answered in the blog and other coms channels, and we’ll be following up with our Change leaders on those as well.  Check out the first three questions and their answers here. 

The System Remediation Network has started establishing subgroups intended to help members connect in smaller numbers to discuss remediation-related topics more specifically.  The plan is to create about 10 subgroups with about 10-15 system owners each.  The groups will meet monthly, and the full SRN meetings will continue monthly as well.  Read more on the blog.

Five Things to Know about FST: April 29, 2021


1.  FDM: Mapping and Worktag Changes: The team has recommended using two driver worktags instead of three (see more here).  They're also working with several schools and units to test out the mapping exercise process, which will be more widely available in late May.

2. Adaptive Planning, Reporting & Analytics, and Grants Management are all moving forward . . . often hand in hand with one another!  The workstreams collaborate to ensure seamless processes when we go-live.  (Adaptive Update, Reporting & Analytics Update, Grants Management Update)

3.  Smaller groups are forming for System Remediation work; there will be about 10 subgroups with 10/15 system owners each.  More information here.

4. We're answering questions from the Sneak Peek sessions here in the blog!  Many of the 244 questions asked during those sessions were about the same things; you can see the first three questions and answers here.

5.  The second round of Customer Confirmation Sessions starts this June (more info soon!), and we're going live with Workday Financials in July of 2022! (See our countdown timer on the FST website)

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Summer Reading from the Inclusive Excellence Team

Contributed by Patty Marbury

Beginning this summer we are going to spend time during our bi-weekly Sprint conversations discussing the book Caste: The Origins of our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson

Caste has been highly recommended as an anti-racism book, and while it would certainly be helpful, it is not necessary that you read the book to participate in and engage in the discussions. An outline of the discussions will be coming soon, and when possible, we’ll supplement the book with other relevant resources. 

Watch for the outline coming soon, and in the meantime, order your copy of the book! Please contact Patty Marbury, or ToShun Campbell, if you are outside of UVAFinance/SFS and would like an invitation to these Sprint discussions.


Want to know more about the book?  Check out this link:

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Adaptive Planning Vision

 The Adaptive Team continues to refine the current tenant of Adaptive Planning based on user stories shared by schools and units across UVA.  

The vision for Adaptive 3.0, the version of Adaptive Planning that will interact with Workday Financials in 2022, is one that considers all the possibilities and imagines a strategically nimble future. 

Check out the objectives below that they're keeping at the forefront as they work with schools and units on budget process redesign.

Strategic Planning

  • Develop a five-year (or more) multi-year financial plan across the institution, including transparent cash flow, built by the units and parameter-driven for the institution​.
  • Elevate the level at which we budget to ensure it is a strategic exercise

  • Develop budget spread across 12 periods with multiple spread methods for more accurate budget vs. actuals and to better support forecasting​
  • Transition BudgetUVA fund source allocation functionality to Adaptive, so that there is one source of truth for the budget and budget vs. actuals reporting​
  • Include commitment tracking and request process within a unit, between units, and with a center

  • Introduce the concept of quarterly forecasting for the institution​
  • During Q4, explore introducing a periodic forecast to tighten the projection as UVA approaches the FY end​
  • Explore options that allow the system to be open for year-round forecasting in addition to the annual budget process

  • Develop standardized reports in support of institutional planning and budgeting processes, so there is one version of the truth​
  • Align on the funds we budget (UFM), how they map to the new FDM with the necessary granularity and detail, and the process for tracking budget vs. actuals and fund balance throughout the FY​
  • Consider the ability to bring in additional data, such as enrollment information​
  • Harness the reporting and analytics tools in Adaptive, including dashboards

Capital Planning
  • Explore using Adaptive Insights to build the capital plan for the institution ​
  • Link capital plan and operating budget, so that one feeds the other 

Want to read more about what the Adaptive Team has been up to?  Check out the FST Website!

FDM: Recommended Worktag Changes

As the Finance Strategic Transformation (FST) project readies for the build of our second prototype tenant (our instance of Workday Financials), the team has recommended some changes to the way worktags will be used in the Foundation Data Model (FDM, Workday’s term for chart of accounts). These changes will be included in this second configuration of our tenant. 

The main difference is that we will use two driver worktags instead of three, with the Program tag no longer being a driver. Driver worktags determine the values of other worktags; our approach to using them would also change slightly. Based on the selection of a driver (the two remaining driver worktags being Cost Center and Gift, Grant, Designated, Project), other worktag values will default (see the visualization below; click to enlarge). 

The difference is that now, users will have the option to keep the defaulted value or choose another from a list of allowed worktag values. This approach offers users greater flexibility while still limiting opportunities for error by only listing appropriate pre-determined allowable substitutions. These changes also mean the use of the Program tag is now optional, and the revised approach frees up Program, as it no longer drives function, for specific departmental use. Worktag definitions remain unchanged. 

Mapping for the FDM is underway, with the project team working with several schools and units to test out the mapping exercise process. View this previous FDM mapping blog post for more info about the planned approach. After a few weeks in May of refining the procedure with these collaborators, the team will have enough info and experience to provide more detailed instructions and expand mapping activities to include others. The FDM mapping tool, which the project team will use to assist with the process, is expected to be ready in July. In advance of that, progress can still be made with mapping.

From Melody's Desk

Dear Team,

As you know, UVAFinance has been partnering with The Racial Equity Group to build a more equitable and inclusive UVAFinance. This week you received an email inviting you to share your thoughts on racial equity here at work. 

Responses are collected by The Racial Equity Group and are completely anonymous. Responses will only be shared with UVAFinance leadership in an aggregated manner.

I hope you'll prioritize completing this survey because your feedback is a vital part of the plans we will make for the future. We need to hear everyone’s voice in order to plot the best path forward. 

Thank you in advance, and do let me know if you have questions or concerns.

Best Regards, 

PS:  If you didn't receive the link to the survey, contact Mara Hilliar.

Updates from the Grants Management Workstream

The Grants Management team is partnering closely with FST colleagues working on the foundation data model (FDM), payroll costing, and reporting and analytics to ensure seamless integration of grants in related areas. 

The team is also continuing its work on defining security roles and requirements for the Office of Sponsored Programs and other units, and they continue to test user stories and make progress on conversions.  

Take some time to refresh yourself on grants management in Workday by visiting the slide deck presented by Vonda Durrer and Urmila Bajaj in Customer Confirmation Sessions (round 1) in the Community: (behind NetBadge; if you have trouble accessing the link, email

In this deck you'll see a mapping of grants terminology in Workday to the words we use now in Oracle, plus an overview of the award structure and much more!

FST Historical Data Decision


What was the decision? FST will not map and convert data from the past 3-5 years from the enterprise data warehouse (EDW) to the new FDM. The EDW is a repository that stores and manages much of UVA's current and historical enterprise data from the Integrated System/Oracle , PeopleSoft, and Workday HCM so that it can be used by various reporting systems across grounds or provide curated data to other Data Marts. The EDW will continue to serve this purpose in the future state with the addition of Workday Financial Data. 

What does this mean for accessing data in the future? The EDW is not the same as University Business Intelligence (UBI): EDW stores data and UBI is a reporting and analytics tool used to access that data. UBI will continue to serve this purpose for historical (pre-Workday) finance and SIS/student reporting and analytics. Also, the Reporting & Analytics FST team, along with others from across grounds, is currently working on designing, building, and testing a reporting and analytics model for the future that will be useful for accessing data.

How was this decision made? The FST team brought the following questions to governance groups: What are the current use cases for access to 3-5 years of data? If the decision is made to convert 3-5 years of data, do you have the resources to complete that exercise? Once the governance groups had a chance to give their feedback the Reporting/Data Warehouse, FDM and Conversion teams continued to solicit feedback and worked on finding other potential solutions to meet needs without burdening both the project team and end-users. This feedback and information was then brought to the Executive Committee and Leadership Council for the final decision.


For information on other decisions the FST team is working on, check out the Decision Log on the FST website. You can visit this blog post for a quick explanation of the RAPID process.  

Sneak Peek FAQs

After the first round of Customer Confirmation sessions, Change Leaders from across Grounds hosted "sneak peek" sessions in their areas so that more people could get a glimpse of the first build of UVA's Workday Financials tenant. 

The result was lots of great questions (244 to be exact).  Many of those questions could be answered during the sneak peek sessions, but about 35% are still yet to be addressed.  The Change Management Team is working on getting answers to those and on sharing answers to the most commonly-asked questions.

This week, we thought we'd share three of the most frequently asked questions from those 244, along with answers.  Watch for more in the next blog digest!

What will happen to historic data?

FST will not map and convert data from the past 3-5 years from the Enterprise Data Warehouse, but that data will still be accessible via UBI.   Read more about this.

What is the timeline for training? 

We are about a year out from the delivery of training, but the training team has a plan in place that includes multiple modalities, practical exercises, and more!  Read the team's latest update here. 

Is there a crosswalk available between the PTAO and FDM worktags?  

The mapping exercises that each school and unit does will provide the most complete correlation of PTAO to FDM (read more about that here).  In the meantime, you can get a good sense of the FDM worktags here:  


We'll catalog all FAQs on the Finance Strategic Transformation FAQ page.  See it here.

The Guiding Principles of Training

Just a reminder of where we are on the FST journey. 

Training plans are coming together for Finance Strategic Transformation.  Although we're about a year out from training delivery, the training team has crafted a plan to design, develop, and deliver training, and improve knowledge retention.  Here are their guiding principles: 

  • Deliver role-based training to our stakeholders 60 days prior to go-live.
  • Create and empower self-sufficient end users by practicing real-life, hands-on, relevant exercises
  • Increase end-user understanding of financial processes that apply to their role
  • Provide easily understood and easily accessed training materials that promote self-service learning
  • Educate end-users on the benefits of Workday Financials, to improve adoption
  • Develop a framework for tracking and measuring training effectiveness with an eye toward continuous improvement


Keep watch in the UVAFinance blog for more information on training.  Until then, check out these past training updates: 

Not So Basic Training:  FST Training Team prepares to deliver

Behind the Scenes, the Training Team is busy!

New on Finance Matters: Inclusive Leadership

Patty and Brandi welcome Lisa Harris back to Finance Matters to discuss the Six C's of Inclusive Leadership as identified by Dr. Shirley Davis.

Monday, April 26, 2021

From Procurement to Project Team Member: Caleb Knapton joins the FST Team as Procurement Analyst

Caleb and his daughters enjoying the outdoors

After working in Procurement at UVA Finance for the last few years, Caleb Knapton knew that the FST team would be a perfect fit for him. “[Joining the project team] is a great way to leverage my experience into what is essentially the future of UVA Finance, and [it allows me to have] a position that provides me with a voice (even a small one) in what that future will look like.”

 In his new role for a little over a month now, Caleb is settling into working as Procurement Analyst for the project’s Functional workstream. “So far, there is a lot of catching up to do, given the amount of progress that has already been made in the last year,” he says. “But it’s great to see the support this project has, and the teamwork that is enabling so many different moving parts to work together.”

Despite having to do a little catching up, Caleb seems happy to be part of a process that is so important to the future of finance at UVA: “It’s encouraging to be a part of what is essentially a start over for many processes and procedures that were less than desirable, and to be able to make changes in the right direction.”

As a Procurement Analyst, Caleb will collect and analyze data, work on reports, and will also be involved with testing, documentation, and training. He’ll be working closely with Addie Coe and the Business Solutions and Analysis Team within Procurement and Supplier Diversity and will also work with Sue Clements and the Spend Team.

Outside of work, Caleb enjoys spending time with his wife, four kids, and their dog. “We spend a lot of 

Caleb's four children
time in sports, watching movies, chasing around our 1-year-old, and listening to endless talks from my son about LEGO, ‘Star Wars,’ and ‘The Avengers.’”  He also says his family is very involved with their church and has recently been traveling to see different colleges for his oldest daughter. As for personal hobbies and interests, Caleb loves playing and watching sports: “I watch WAY too much European soccer,” he says. He also tries to read as much as he can and to spend lots of time outdoors.

And those of you who worked with Caleb in UVA Finance might not even know this, but he has a twin! “I have an identical twin brother, but we are almost nothing alike.”

Fields, Finance, and FST: Say ‘Hello’ to FST’s New Systems Analyst, Michelle Gregory



 As someone with 15 years in the financial industry and seven years of experience  working in higher education, joining the FST Team seemed like a great opportunity for Michelle Gregory.

More specifically, Michelle was interested in “playing an integral part in the FST project, learning a new system, and collaborating with business partners to promote continuous improvement of the budget and planning tools.”

As a Systems Analyst for the Reporting and Analytics workstream, Michelle will focus on the functionality of UVA’s budgeting and planning tool, Adaptive Planning, and will work on its integration with Workday Financials.

“I will be participating in the design and implementation of Adaptive Planning, which is scheduled to go live July 2022,” Michelle explains. “Post-implementation, I will be responsible for maintaining the application, continuous improvement of the system, collaborating with FP&A and University leaders, and partnering with Workday support teams to ensure seamless integrations with the University’s ERP and reporting environments.”

To do this, Michelle will work with various members of the FST Project Team to ensure the design and functionality of Adaptive will meet requirements. After implementation, she will work with end-users across Grounds to better understand their needs and discuss how Adaptive can meet those needs.

After 2 ½ weeks in her new role, Michelle says she feels “encouraged and excited by the commitment and organization of the FST Project.” She is also enjoying the inside look she gets at finance at UVA. “Although I have been in higher education for the last seven years,” she says, “I have always found it interesting to see how each institution operates, defines, and utilizes data.”

Outside of work, Michelle is very much a family person and spends as much time as possible with her

family and friends. Now that it’s Spring, she spends a lot of her time at the baseball field, as she serves on two boards in her community for their little league baseball and softball programs. She also has four boys, ranging in age from 5-21, and three of them currently play baseball. “I love every minute of watching them play the sport they love,” Michelle says.

When not on the field, Michelle loves to travel, read, and when it’s warm out, she loves spending time outdoors.  

Salesforce Part Two (Video): Exploring Opportunities

 By removing duplicate processes, we can improve our stakeholders' experience with UVAFinance.  Here's how we can identify those processes across UVAFinance using Salesforce.  

See the previous Salesforce video here: 

Jared Thompson Reports for FST Duty

Jared Thompson and family
Jared Thompson and family
Reporting is a key part of the Finance Strategic Transformation (FST) project, and that's where Jared Thompson comes in. This month, he joined the project team as a Workday Report Developer. Thompson was practically engineered in a lab for this role, as he has five years of experience building financial reports in Workday, which he started doing when he worked for Workday. Additionally, his experience includes higher ed consulting; he's worked with two other universities. 

As a consultant, Thompson has built clients' financial reports in Workday, including income statements, balance sheets, and whatever other financial statements they needed. 

"I enjoy it because I feel like it's a rare skill but adds quite a bit of value," says Thompson. "A lot of people will spend all of their time doing all the work, and I get to help push that last button so they get to see all of their work in one place." 

UVAFinance Director of Business Intelligence and FST Reporting and Analytics Lead Mark Anderson frequently comments that the process of creating reports in Workday is unique and requires a specialized skillset, so UVA is fortunate to benefit from Thompson's expertise. Even though he's been on the project less than two weeks so far, Thompson explains that it feels like he's already been with UVA longer. 

"I think being able to go from my last role to this one—I'm able to transition pretty quick because I know Workday," Thompson says, "you know, it's just tracking the reports so I can hit the ground running."

He's done just that, already building and tweaking several reports FST team members have identified as necessary. 

Grand Canyon
Thompson and friends overlooking the Grand Canyon
Part of what attracted Thompson to this role is that he'll be able to develop and maintain relationships, working with the same colleagues over time—a bit different than consultant life. Also, he's able to work for UVA while remaining remote. Thompson lives with his family in St. George, Utah, which he loves. He was born in California, then his family moved to Utah and he's been there ever since. 

Outside of work time, Thompson spends time with his family, pictured above. He also loves to be outside in nature: camping, hiking, and mountain biking. His children are 3 (almost 4) and 18 months, so he explains there's not as much time for those activities just now, though he'll surely get back to them. 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Huddle Up: System Remediation Network Subgroups Forming

Meerkats huddled togetherThe System Remediation Network (SRN) has started establishing subgroups, intended to help members connect in smaller numbers to discuss remediation-related topics more specifically. 

At the April SRN meeting, FST Systems Remediation Lead Scot Thornton explained that the whole group is quite large. Meetings routinely have about 120 participants of the 140 system owners on the invite list. 

Therefore, the plan is to create roughly 10 subgroups with 10-15 system owners each. The initial groups may be formed based on the planned cycle of system integrations. Such is the case for the first subgroup that has already been formed. Other groups will be more random in terms of which system owners come together. 

Thornton says, "We're setting up the subgroups so we can have a little bit more intimate, maybe system specific or process specific to those systems, conversations. They'll all be starting up in the near term—next few weeks to a month."

The subgroups will meet monthly, and the full SRN meetings will continue monthly as well. 

"Subgroup meetings will be more specific," Thornton explains, "to talk about participants' systems, where they're at, how they're doing, and how the project team can help them." 

UVA has 170 systems that need to be remediated as part of the finance transformation. The SRN and these subgroups will help ensure remediation goes well in advance of Workday Financials go-live on July 1, 2022. 

Learn more in this previous SRN blog post or visit the SRN page in the online Community.  

Thursday, April 15, 2021

FST Update


Want to listen to this update instead of reading it? Click here to tune into the WFST Broadcast!

No time to read paragraphs?  Check out "Five Things to Know about WFST"

The FDM, or Foundation Data Model, our new chart of accounts for Workday Financials.  The FDM team has slowly been bringing in a few units across Grounds to do some work testing out mapping to the new chart.  This July, the FDM mapping tool will be available, and those activities will spread to all schools and units and the mapping effort will continue until March of 2022.

Those intensive mapping efforts will be the culmination of a lot of preparation that’s gone on, including 67 hours’ worth of working sessions dedicated to defining the selected FDM dimension and other elements associated with the FDM, and reviewing benchmark data and structures from other universities such as LSU, Yale, Miami, and Iowa State.

As the team looks to finalizing the FDM and integrating the structure into Workday functionality, they’re working toward some basic goals:  Streamlining ease of use, maximizing worktag functionality, aligning with control and approval frameworks, leveraging reporting and analytics and integrating with the budget tool.

In the meantime, schools and units can think about the cost center structures already submitted and how those will map from the current chart of accounts to the FDM.  The FST team will be getting in touch with folks in the next few weeks to understand what defaults make sense for org-to-cost center mapping.

Read Augie Maurelli's "Current State of the Current State" on FDM and Reporting

The newly-established Workflow Controls and Approvals workstream has been working with the broader FST functional team to document considerations and implications related to the workflow of transactions in Workday Financials, as well as the associated roles and approvals in our business processes.  They’re working toward configuring things into UVA’s tenant of Workday enough so that folks can see the functionality in our next round of Customer Confirmation Sessions.

The next round of Customer Confirmation Sessions will begin in June.  

The Adaptive Planning team continues to focus on the latest iteration of the Adaptive planning tenant, Adaptive 3.0.   This involves categorizing user stories so we can be sure that users have the functionality they need and want in July of 2022, straight out of the gate.

Check out this Adaptive Planning update.

The Reporting and analytics team will have the core reports needed for all schools and units to do their day-to-day work on day one of workday financials’ go live.   You can expect that much of the reporting you use UBI for today will be done in Workday. And even though things will be ready to roll on go-live date, work on reporting and analytics won’t stop there.  The team will continue to capture requirements and building the tools needed to go forward.  

More on Reporting & Analytics

Decision Updates: 

  • During last month’s governance meetings, the FST team announced that UVA will require receiving acknowledgment only for invoices greater than ten thousand dollars, and that acknowledgment will be indicated by approval of the invoice.  Users will also have the ability to add receiving documentation at the time of approval.
  • Regarding F&A Cost Share and Expense allocation, UVA will implement both F&A waived expense allocation profile and track lost F&A on cost-share in Workday. 
  • Pending decisions include vendor selection for optical character recognition for invoices, non-catalog requisition process flow, system administrator responsibility approach, the future of Recon@, and the expenditure credit process and policy.

Don’t forget the Decision Log lives on the FSTwebsite and is updated as frequently as possible.

Five Things to Know About FST: April 15, 2021


1.  The FDM Mapping Tool will be available in July.  At that point, FDM mapping activities will begin in earnest and will continue until March of 2022.  Read more about FDM activities here and here.

2.  The Workflow Controls and Approvals Workstream is up and moving!  This new workstream within the project is beginning work on roles and approvals in business processes and considerations related to the workflow of transactions in Workday.  Read more in the FST Update.

3. Adaptive 3.0 is the version of the budgeting tool that will integrate with Workday Financials.  The Adaptive team is working hard with partners across Grounds to make sure users have everything they need when the July 2022 go-live date arrives.  More on that here.

4.  Reporting and Analytics has also set their sights on being ready on day one when we go live with Workday Financials.  They'll have everything you need for day-to-day reporting and they'll keep building as we learn the new tool.  Read more here. 

5. The next round of Customer Confirmation Sessions is set for June of 2021.  More details will come soon.  We go live with Workday Financials in July of 2022 (1 year, 2 months, and 2 weeks from now!).

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Current State of the Current State in Finance Transformation: FDM and Reporting

Contributed by Augie Maurelli, UVA Finance

With any large project, such as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation, there is going to be concern around change. That angst is usually in two forms, fear of the unknown as well as awareness of how much more needs to be done prior to go-live. Mark Twain said something like the only person who likes change is a baby with a wet diaper. He’s not wrong, but also, in fairness to us, the baby gets instant relief. That problem is easy to solve with one clear solution. Most change, especially in a decentralized shared governance model, requires more patience and time to reap the benefits. The upside is that consensus and group thought ultimately lead to better decisions. However as the needs, and therefore the solutions, become more nuanced, the overall awareness can create anxiety—most recently around the Foundation Data Model (FDM), Workday’s term for chart of accounts (CoA), amongst others.

As we’re going through finance transformation, it’s easier for some areas of the University to look at the move to Workday Financials and the FDM as a chance for a clean slate. For others, the focus is trying to understand how to translate what they’re working with in our current chart and related sub-systems and business processes, and the requirements to convert those into the new FDM. Navigating all that complexity is often easier said than done. The effort and work associated around a holistic approach has been voluminous, and not without challenges specific to UVA. To be truly “transformational,” we need to fully appreciate and ensure we meet as many managerial reporting requirements as possible without sacrificing our statutory reporting needs. As a result, we are constantly weighing the balance between rigidity around statutory reporting and flexibility around managerial, budget, and other reporting needs across Grounds. 

It is incredibly challenging to approach this migration from our current five segment chart, which has to run through an Oracle Grants Accounting module, to an FDM with twelve worktags (plus accounting worktags) as a lift and shift—there are few easy to understand 1:1 comparisons. The team fully appreciates the difficulty people have getting their arms around it conceptually. Just as I had difficulty fully understanding our PTAEO and how we use our chart segments, it must be equally challenging for those who have been working in Oracle to conceptualize the future state. 

All of that work and concern increased exponentially when you contemplate that for more than a year we’ve all been dealing with COVID. Change exhaustion is pervasive; we’re finding new footing every day with the realities of living and working during a global pandemic. Zoom fatigue is real, and COVID brought on new work that was additive to an already fully deployed and fully engaged workforce—it’s not shocking there is apprehension around this effort. 

You have to look at this project as iterative, with improvements made along the way–and end in mind.  The FDM as it resides now can absolutely accommodate UVA in a production environment. We could absolutely produce financial statements, compensation our employees, pay our vendors, and manage our grants. We have poured enough of that base level foundation for all of that to be possible. The key is to realize that optimizing the functionality of our FDM, and that includes all aspects, is not linear—it’s more of step function with big improvements after long periods of intense work. Fortunately, as we turn out this tenant for summer, we should take one of those steps. 

From a timing and project planning perspective, we are roughly 15 months before Workday Financials go-live: summer testing and evaluation should aid in maximizing our use of the system’s features, embracing best practices, and doing so without hindering the work of schools and units. This is more than accounting; it gives us a chance to further contemplate workflow, approvals, controls, reporting, and other functionality.

We want to take advantage of some of the functionality that is going to make our work easier and more streamlined, such as internal invoicing capabilities. We are also threading in a budgeting tool when for a long time that has been a process outside of our financial system. Between the capabilities of Workday Financials and harnessing the power of Adaptive Planning for budgeting, we are able to contemplate our CoA in ways we haven’t had the opportunity to before. Doing so takes care, time, and governance. I hope when we get the tools in people’s hands with UVA data, they’re going to like what they see. And the project team will seek more feedback and use it to make improvements. 

Another highly anticipated aspect of the project is clarity around reporting. People want to see their reports—the key reports held near, dear, and sacred in their areas. The challenge with that is some of the prioritized work right now isn’t that kind of reporting—but again the data needs to be clean when you share reports or you risk credibility and create more uncertainty. How and what you share is as important as the requirements and functionality you build toward. At this point, colleagues across Grounds need to be focusing on cost center and FDM mapping, and then we can tackle reporting. 

The important things is that we are all going through this process together, and I feel it truly is a team effort between all of UVA Finance, the FST Team, and all of our constituents and colleagues. If we can remember why we’re here and why we do what we do—and that is to service UVA’s academic mission—I have no doubt we have the leadership support and sprit de corps to ensure success. 

Third Time's a Charm: Adaptive 3.0 on the horizon


Since the beginning of 2021, the Adaptive team has been focusing on the latest iteration of the Adaptive Planning tenant, Adaptive 3.0.   

Budget process redesign meetings are complete, and Adaptive users across Grounds are working to detail the functionality they want to see as part of Adaptive 3.0.  This involves cataloging user stories from each area so that we can be sure that users have the Adaptive functionality they want and need in July 2022.  

Please reach out to a member of the Adaptive Team if you have questions.


Read more about Adaptive on the UVAFinance blog

Visit the Online Community to interact with Adaptive Planning material

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Getting Vaccinated? Use PHEL Leave in Workday

Employees can now use Public Health Emergency Leave (PHEL) for additional purposes including time off to get vaccinated or to recover from adverse effects of vaccination. It can also be used for time off to recover from COVID or take care of a household member who has COVID and for isolation and quarantine ordered by a doctor.

For more information using PHEL leave, visit the HR webpage (behind NetBadge).

COVID Prevention Course Required by May 1

The Virginia Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) passed a new permanent standard in 2021 that requires all members of the University community to complete an updated COVID prevention training course. 

This course addresses COVID-19 risk awareness and prevention best practices to reduce exposure to SARS-CoV2, including physical distancing, self-care, and workspace self-cleaning. It also explains the regulatory role that DOLI plays in UVA’s response to COVID-19, and UVA policies and programs designed to reduce COVID-19 transmission. 

For additional details and a link to the course, please visit the COVID Prevention Training Course webpage (this page is behind NetBadge).

Register for RIM Month Forum on April 29

Join Records & Information Management (RIM) for a half-day virtual event on Thursday, April 29 from 9 am to noon.

During the forum, RIM will launch a new electronic records clean-up service. As a part of this service, RIM can scan your department shared drive to analyze stored data and visualize the results in meaningful charts and statistics.

The full schedule is available on the RIM website and will include updates from:

  • Gary Nimax, AVP for Compliance
  • Steve Sherman, Data and Compliance Analyst
  • Lauren Longwell, University Archivist, Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library
  • Dan Cavanaugh, Curator of Historical Collections, Claude Moore Health Sciences Library
  • Jennifer Mackrous, Freedom of Information Act Officer and eDiscovery Manager
  • Ben Smith, Medical Center Records Manager

Register now!

Practical Magic: Continuous Improvement Makes a Difference to Students

When we think of Continuous Improvement, we often mentally default to concepts of increasing efficiency and removing waste. Improving a process means getting lean and reducing extra cost and time. But that’s not all -- it can also involve improving customer experience, working together, thinking about things differently, and keeping the overall goal in mind.

Alex Hernandez
Sometimes, it even involves a little bit of magic.

This year, the School of Continuing and Professional Studies’ online bachelor’s degree program enrolled its largest class ever. Not only that, but other SCPS programs such as its professional certificates and UVA Edge, the degree program for working adults, also saw growth.

The success of these programs represents not only the achievement of goals for SCPS, but also measurable progress in UVA’s 2030 plan (see initiative #7).

Alex Hernandez, Dean of SCPS, notes that this success is not only the result of hard work within SCPS, but also because of support from and collaboration with partners across Grounds, including UVAFinance.

Hernandez describes how SCPS worked with a variety of folks on the operations side of UVA to make their programs more accessible in terms of financial aid, use of tuition benefits, enrollment, and registration. Students celebrated how these systems led to a great overall experience during their journeys at UVA.

“What happens outside of the classroom is part of what makes the experience magical for students,” says Hernandez. “When our students love their experience at UVA, everyone shares in that success, from Finance to ITS to HR to UREG to SFS.”

Collaboration starts with a shared vision of making UVA’s high-quality programs accessible to working adults beyond Grounds. This shared vision has led to powerful collaborations across central units to help SCPS reach new populations of students.

“The success we’re having making education accessible for students is only possible when we all work together – and SCPS is grateful for all the magic UVAFinance has created for our students!”


Read more about Alex Hernandez:

Visit SCPS’s website:

Read more about Continuous Improvement in UVAFinance:

Visit UVAFinance’s Continuous Improvement space in the Online Community:

Year-End Cutoff Calendar Available

Financial Reporting & Operations has posted key cut-off dates related to FY21 Year-End processes on their website. 

You can filter the table using the "Area" dropdown list to pull information related to your various tasks/duties.

Reporting & Analytics: Ready (but not done) on day one of go-live!

When it comes to reporting and analytics in the future state, the possibilities are endless, but the foundation is very solid.  The Reporting & Analytics workstream of Finance Strategic Transformation will have the core reports needed for all schools and units to do their day-to-day work will be ready on day one of Workday Financials' go live even as they sketch out plans to expand beyond those basic capabilities. 

When Workday Financials goes live, much of the reporting you use UBI for today will be done in Workday (read more about that here on the blog).  On day one of go-live, you'll have access to all the reports you need to do your work, as well as dashboards that function as landing pages based on your group/role. 

Work on reporting and analytics won't stop on July 1, 2022, though -- as we inhabit Workday Financials, we'll still be capturing your requirements and building the tools you need to go forward. 

As the team considers the future of reporting and analytics, they're focusing on creating a whole toolkit of reporting and analytics tools for you to have at your disposal.  That toolkit would address some of the questions commonly heard from stakeholders:

  • Where do I find . . . ?
  • What does this term mean?
  • Where did this data come from?
  • Which report should I use?
  • What's the best source for this info?
  • Why don't these report results match?
  • What role do I need to access this data/report?
  • How is this metric calculated?
  • What reports are my colleagues using?

Reporting & Analytics' Mark Anderson visited the April Fiscal Administrators meeting to give an update on this workstream and to discuss the group's questions and ideas.  You can view the recording of that meeting here: (lots of great conversation and information, plus you review the slides!)

Anderson shared that he is working closely with Johann Reinicke, who leads the HR People Analytics team, to develop plans and share Workday best practices and learnings so we can build a consistent user experience within the platform. They are exploring how we can best utilize the suite of data, reporting, and analytics tools at our disposal to provide a robust experience for all users – analysts, fiscal administrators, operational specialists, managers, and executive leadership.

The focus for go-live is on making sure we have the core foundational operating and management reports for our daily work, but we’re also expecting and planning for our data and analytics work to extend well beyond that as we all get more familiar with both the Workday platform and FDM.

The possibilities are endless!  Read more about reporting and analytics on the Finance Strategic Transformation website.  

Monday, April 12, 2021

Sneak Peeks and Next Steps

Change Leaders for schools and units offered "mini customer confirmation sessions" to share sneak peeks of workday expenses, requisitioning, and internal service delivery from the first prototype.  There were over 600 people involved in these sessions!

  • 244 total questions were asked during the sessions on topics including policy, functionality, system access, and training.
  • 64% of the questions were answered within the session or with follow-up
  • 91 comments were collected

What comes next?

  • Change Partners (from the Change Team) will provide Change Leaders with answers to the questions from their areas.
  • The Change Team will track unanswered questions to be incorporated into Customer Confirmation Sessions, Round Two, which start in June.
  •  We'll answer some of the more broad questions in our communication channels (like the UVAFinance blog!)

Continuous Improvement Corner: Using macros to save time formatting spreadsheets

For those of us who use Excel but aren't quite masters of the tool, have we got a tip for you! 

 Danielle Hancock, a member of the UVAFinance Continuous Improvement Committee, has shared a quick tip in the Online Community that will help you format your spreadsheets in a jiffy using macros!

Streamlining your processes doesn't have to be a big deal -- sometimes it can be small tweaks that safe you time and effort.  That's the beauty of Continuous Improvement!  

Want more Continuous Improvement inspiration?  Look no further than this piece about SCPS partnering with UVAFinance and others to make their student experience magical!