Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Updates from the Grants Management Workstream

The Grants Management team is partnering closely with FST colleagues working on the foundation data model (FDM), payroll costing, and reporting and analytics to ensure seamless integration of grants in related areas. 

The team is also continuing its work on defining security roles and requirements for the Office of Sponsored Programs and other units, and they continue to test user stories and make progress on conversions.  

Take some time to refresh yourself on grants management in Workday by visiting the slide deck presented by Vonda Durrer and Urmila Bajaj in Customer Confirmation Sessions (round 1) in the Community:

 https://communityhub.virginia.edu/docs/DOC-2721 (behind NetBadge; if you have trouble accessing the link, email bv8h@virginia.edu).

In this deck you'll see a mapping of grants terminology in Workday to the words we use now in Oracle, plus an overview of the award structure and much more!

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