Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Summer Reading from the Inclusive Excellence Team

Contributed by Patty Marbury

Beginning this summer we are going to spend time during our bi-weekly Sprint conversations discussing the book Caste: The Origins of our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson

Caste has been highly recommended as an anti-racism book, and while it would certainly be helpful, it is not necessary that you read the book to participate in and engage in the discussions. An outline of the discussions will be coming soon, and when possible, we’ll supplement the book with other relevant resources. 

Watch for the outline coming soon, and in the meantime, order your copy of the book! Please contact Patty Marbury, or ToShun Campbell, if you are outside of UVAFinance/SFS and would like an invitation to these Sprint discussions.


Want to know more about the book?  Check out this link:

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