Saturday, October 23, 2021

Further progress toward Adaptive 3.0

The Adaptive Team held a second session to show stakeholders "part two" of the revisions they made to Adaptive Planning in order to incorporate the feedback shared in this spring's budget process redesign sessions.  

Read about the "part one" session here on the UVAFinance blog.

At this session, stakeholders got to see a demonstration of the Adaptive 3.0 compensation model.  Additionally, they were introduced to reporting that will allow them to see the FTE of each person budgeted to a particular cost center.  

The Adaptive Team took additional questions back to the drawing board for clarification with the intent to get the stakeholder group together again soon as they work toward the go-live of Adaptive 3.0 along with Workday Financials on July 1, 2022.

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